Backpacking In Scandinavia: My Highlights From My Trips There

Backpacking In Scandinavia: My Highlights From My Trips There

In total, I have been to Scandinavia on 6 different trips, swallowing Sweden (7 times), Denmark (6 times), Finland once, Norway once, Iceland once, Faroe Islands once as well as the lesser recognised Christiania and Ladonia! It was mostly in snow, and with a real winter beauty! There are lots of options for travelling in Read more about Backpacking In Scandinavia: My Highlights From My Trips There[…]

Backpacking in Norway: My Most Memorable Experiences

2015 was in many ways my favourite ever year of travel. So many things happened in that year that epitomised by travel style. Firstly, I visited over 10 unrecognised countries, including Christiania, Ladonia, Uzupis, Austenasia, Adammia, Lagoan Isles and Podjistan. It was one of the craziest years for that. But as well as that madness, Read more about Backpacking in Norway: My Most Memorable Experiences[…]

My Top 5 Highlights From Backpacking in Norway

Yes I know, it’s been three years almost exactly since I backpacked in Norway and celebrated my 99th country on route to the magic 100 (which was Tunisia). I never truly got round to writing the 20 plus stories from my fast week when I backpacked in Norway but I toured a lot, including a Read more about My Top 5 Highlights From Backpacking in Norway[…]

Backpacking in Norway: Top 8 Sights in Bergen

To celebrate my 99th country I toured Norway, it was a reader vote that sent me there so on route I made sure I dived back into Sweden for a couple a weeks and a few days in Denmark (and Christiania). Then it was time for Norway and I decided to do a hardcore week Read more about Backpacking in Norway: Top 8 Sights in Bergen[…]

Friday’s Featured Food: Fish Stew and Stout in Pingvinen, Bergen, Norway

In catching back up to my huge catalogue of meals I’ve eaten yet never written about on Friday’s Featured Food, I thought I’d do a recent one – my only meal eating out in Norway. There are a few reasons why I didn’t eat out in Norway. One was that everywhere I stayed included breakfast, Read more about Friday’s Featured Food: Fish Stew and Stout in Pingvinen, Bergen, Norway[…]

Backpacking in Norway: Staying at the Hostel Montana in Bergen

Norway was my 99th official real country on this crazy journey (something voted for by you) and I decided to tour Bergen, Voss, Gudvangen, Myrdal, Flam and Oslo. Bergen is a UNESCO listed city on the west coast of Norway and so I decided to base myself over here for the first few days. Budget Read more about Backpacking in Norway: Staying at the Hostel Montana in Bergen[…]