Solo Safety is Easy when Travelling

Solo Safety is Easy when Travelling

Travelling the world is a privilege. Travelling is also the best education you can ever get. It isn’t always easy to find someone to travel with who has the money and time. Even if you find someone with both, the two of you may not be able to agree on where you want to travel. To make it easy, travelling alone is one of the best ways to travel. When you travel alone, you have different safety concerns than if you are with someone or a group. Here are some of the great reasons to travel alone and a few simple ways to keep yourself safe. 

backpacking masada

Solo Safety is Easy when Travelling

A Chance To Meet New People 

When you travel alone, you are more open to talking with new people, simply because being alone get’s lonely and you find yourself chatty with whoever feels like talking. Some people just love to chat up other people. These are perfect solo travellers. When you travel alone, you realize how friendly people are all over the world. Travelling, in general, can help anyone realize how most people just want to be nice. You can sometimes meet people at the hotel you are staying with and end up going on excursions. 

living a lifestyle of travel

All alone in Jin Ji Cun, China

Go Where You Want To Go 

Travelling solo helps you choose where you want to go. The adventure is yours and yours alone. You can do cool things like renting 4×4/4WD rental cars in Iceland when someone else may want to rent a simple four-door sedan. It is hard to believe there are some people who don’t love adventure and the rugged route. When you travel solo, you can spend as little or as much as you want. You are able to control the budget if you are the only one spending from it. 

The paradise of Alona Beach in the Philippines.

Look Like A Local 

It is always a good idea to be safe at all times when travelling alone. For the most part, people are busy all over the world working to survive. Most people won’t even notice because you are just another person. This is unless you draw attention to yourself wearing a fancy watch, fancy clothes, and maybe displaying a fancy attitude. Now if you run in fancy circles and are protected by money, then you can probably get away with this. If you are a regular person, it is best to just blend in with everyone else when you are not with people. You will meet the right people to hang with but always be careful. 

Andrew Mozart on a lifestyle of travel website by Jonny Blair

Solo Safety is Easy when Travelling

Savor The Moments 

When you travel alone, savour the moments. Take pictures and write down where you have been at the end of the day. Memory only goes so far. You can enjoy your travels for many years to come by keeping track of the good moments you have on your travels. The reality is also that not all moments when travelling are perfect. There is waiting involved and sometimes difficulties arise. It helps to have somewhat of an itinerary for your travels before you leave. 

Use Your Instincts 

It is important to use your instincts when you travel. If you get a bad feeling about a person or a place then you probably are right. You do want to be careful who you talk to at night. It is important to know that there are people out there that will take advantage of tourists. By setting your itinerary in advance, you can check out the place you go. It is fun to be spontaneous, but just always be aware when you travel alone. 

Travelling alone is an amazing experience. You can find friends all over the world that you sometimes keep for the rest of your life. If you do the activities you love, you will meet other people that love what you love. For the most part, you don’t want to follow people to unknown places. Staying in the public with strangers is your best bet for safety. If you are one of the lucky ones that get to travel solo in the world, you are in for a lifetime of joy. 

A Liar's Guide to South America by Mike Delwiche

Solo Safety is Easy when Travelling

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