Sunday’s Inspiration: Two Years of Depression, Liars Unsorried, GuruGod Stalked

“I travelled round the world from year to year. But each one found me aimless; one more year the worse for wear” – Cold Chisel.

So here it is. Another reflection post on another lazy hazy crazy Sunday afternoon. Nobody’s dream. Not yours. Non mine. Neh his. Niet hers. Never ours. Marc Overmars. The moon. Saturn. Neptune.

“Some might say you get what you’ve been given; if you don’t get yours, I won’t get mine, as well” – Noel Gallagher.

I am shocked by the amount of stupid, uneducated and weak people out there. Be the strong one. Be bold.

#hateliars #apologiseforyourlies

Sunday’s Inspiration: Two Years of Depression, Liars Unsorried, GuruGod Stalked

Travel is NOT “the coolest thing ever mate”. It certainly is not anyone’s dream life. I’m fed up of fake travel blogs and wannabe GuruGods telling us they left “home” broke with no money, backpacked a bit, taught English abroad for a bit, struggled to make ends meet and then suddenly they claim to have made thousands of dollars through online marketing, shit travel blogs and bluetube videos. These people are fake tourists and excrement exiters.

“I’ve been to Singapore 4 times and never seen Singapore ” – Michael Palin.

Breaking the bank for a Sling in Long Bar, Raffles Hotel, Singapore in 2009

In the past, this series of Sunday’s Inspiration was my outlet for real life deep thoughts and back in the glory days (2012 – 2014) then liars and GuruGods intervened.

A wannabe Guru God (who thinks they are the answer to the world’s problems) interfered into my depression and mental health story claiming they could save the world, and save my world. After blocking said Guru God, they continued to stalk me, my Mum, my friend Lock in Lee and even more disturbingly, they contacted MY friends trying to become their friends!

This was once a great travel blog and I was proud of it.

The last two years have been horrific. The blog is shit now, but that might change if I ever get that admission and apology. I pray daily but know that nasty is too weak and from a dishonest background and family. If only there was some way to get them to apologise.

As for Guru God, they’ve been blocked for almost two years now and hopefully will never hear from their insignificance again. Good riddance!

Life rolls horribly on…happiness has passed me by.

Sunday’s Inspiration: Two Years of Depression, Liars Unsorried, GuruGod Stalked

Sunday’s Inspiration: Two Years of Depression, Liars Unsorried, GuruGod Stalked

Sunday’s Inspiration: Two Years of Depression, Liars Unsorried, GuruGod Stalked

Sunday’s Inspiration: Two Years of Depression, Liars Unsorried, GuruGod Stalked


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3 thoughts on “Sunday’s Inspiration: Two Years of Depression, Liars Unsorried, GuruGod Stalked

  • The way that you went against digital nomads portraying their life as perfect is a real eye-opener. I’ve met some people who traded everything to travel and blog hoping to get that good money online and ended up being broke. Its great for you to break the status quo. I wish you find your drive to make your blog great again. I enjoy reading your stuff.

  • Hi Jamie, Thanks for the comment and sorry for the late reply. I’ve been suffering severe depression – yes I go against the flow as most bloggers are fake and almost all digital nomads are cow excrementors, some of them make up ridiculous stories. The more ridiculous the story, the more fake they become. I steer away from that now and live a quieter life with my real friends as I made too many fake friends and liars – people who I trusted who started nasty lies and I exposed because I am so blunt, honest and sincere. Safe travels. Jonny

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