Backpacking in South Africa: Touring The Lonely Prison On Robben Island

Backpacking in South Africa: Touring The Lonely Prison On Robben Island

“By a lonely prison wall, I heard a young girl calling” – The Dubliners. There has been something really weird and odd that has happened to me a few times on my journeys. Life has been really crazy how it all worked out for me – tying up loose ends, fool circles / full circles Read more about Backpacking in South Africa: Touring The Lonely Prison On Robben Island[…]

Backpacking in South Africa: The Southern-Western Tip of Africa, The Cape of Good Hope

Backpacking in South Africa: The Most South-Western Tip of Africa, The Cape of Good Hope

“So give me hope Joanna, give me hope Joanna” – Eddy Grant. As a perpetual tourist, I love ticking off a textbook “tip”, “point” or “peak” on my wacaday journeys. Memories of such achievements in days of yore came reeling back, and they continue to do that on life’s sentimental worldic curveball. I remembered vividly Read more about Backpacking in South Africa: The Most South-Western Tip of Africa, The Cape of Good Hope[…]

Backpacking in South Africa: My Stay At Altona Lodge in Green Point, Cape Town

Officially this was my fifth time being stamped in to South Africa. Though in essence, three of those were on my first trip here in 2011. However, it was my first time here in Cape Town and I allowed myself four nights in the city. I stayed in three different places on those nights, choosing Read more about Backpacking in South Africa: My Stay At Altona Lodge in Green Point, Cape Town[…]