zanzibar coffee tanzania

Thirsty Thursdays: Zanzibar Coffee in Arusha, Tanzania

Drinking coffee in Africa is something you have to do. The amount of coffee grown and produced on this continent is phenomenal. While staying in Arusha, on a quiet morning it was coffee time. I’m one who loves to relax over a coffee, sometimes reading a book or just enjoying the views with my girlfriend, Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: Zanzibar Coffee in Arusha, Tanzania[…]

jonny blair top irish pubs around the world

Thirsty Thursdays: 5 Best Irish Pubs From My Travels

It’s a post I was meant to write about 2 years ago to be honest, but never got round to it. In the hope I’d find better Irish Pubs than these 5. But I haven’t so the list remains the same. I’ve worked in a fair few Irish Pubs down the years and I love Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: 5 Best Irish Pubs From My Travels[…]

love street hill tokyo japan

Thirsty Thursdays: Love Hotel Street Hill in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo and Japan in general is a place I haven’t really touched upon and oddly one that doesn’t really fascinate me. I headed there in May 2012 for a rock concert (Manic Street Preachers) with a mate for a long weekend. To be honest we didn’t really plan on doing anything other than watch the Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: Love Hotel Street Hill in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan[…]

magaluf majorca lads holidays

Thirsty Thursdays: Lads Holidays in Magaluf, Majorca, Spain

If the lads are reading this it might jog a few memories from back in the day. Rather than “backpacking in Majorca”, we partied in Majorca, spending a week in the party hub of Magaluf. Thirsty Thursdays today takes me back to 2001, while keeping you in touch with the present. Magaluf it seems it Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: Lads Holidays in Magaluf, Majorca, Spain[…]

backpacking in chongqing china

Thirsty Thursdays: Drinking with 70 Year Old Chinese Guys in Chongqing

You’ll hear a lot more about Chongqing. Often dubbed (rightly or wrongly is anyone’s guess) the biggest city in the world, this colossal place was somewhere I had longed to visit and was anticipating it for a long time. Chongqing is a fantastic city and it lived up to all expectations. Completely! After getting the Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: Drinking with 70 Year Old Chinese Guys in Chongqing[…]

cappuccino in jiangxi

Thirsty Thursdays: Chinese Coffee in Little Likeng Village, Jiangxi Province, China

Last week’s thirsty Thursdays came from the Jiangxi Province of China, and this week’s one does too! While last week I wrote about how I sipped peach wine in the unknown town of Xiaoqi, today I recollect the morning spent sipping a cappuccino in Little Likeng village. The thing that makes it most interesting for Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: Chinese Coffee in Little Likeng Village, Jiangxi Province, China[…]

xiaoqi village china peach wine

Thirsty Thursdays: Peach Wine in Xiaoqi, Jiangxi Province, China

Last week it was time for some peach wine, Chinese style. I found myself touring the Jiangxi Province in China and we arrived at an old style village called Xiaoqi. Itself, enough to hold my interest for its very name. How many cities in the world boast an X and a Q in its name? Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: Peach Wine in Xiaoqi, Jiangxi Province, China[…]

bruny island hotel sign

Thirsty Thursdays: My Lonely Beer at Australia’s Southernmost Pub

I spent a lot of 2010 travelling alone. I was working hard, saving, backpacking and still did a load of sightseeing on my days off. I had my own car. Life took me to a tiny island on the south east of Australia, off the coast of Tasmania. I got a boat from Kettering in Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: My Lonely Beer at Australia’s Southernmost Pub[…]