Is It Expensive To Go Backpacking Around Europe?

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Is It Expensive To Go Backpacking Around Europe?

Europe is a dream destination for many people. There are so many tourist sites to see that months may not be enough to see what this continent has to offer. 

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Is It Expensive To Go Backpacking Around Europe?

One of the biggest questions always asked is whether it is very expensive to travel around Europe. While there’s no doubt that traveling will really cost you, there are some tips that you can try so that you can still save some money and have your dream vacation. Here are some of them.

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Is It Expensive To Go Backpacking Around Europe?

1.Travel when it is not peak season – If you would like to save a lot of money, you might want to take your Europe trip during off-peak months. Not only will the airline tickets and the hotels be cheaper, but there will actually be fewer people. Not many people will tell you this but one of the downsides of going to popular destinations is that there will definitely be crowds. You want to visit the Louvre in Paris or the Eiffel Tower? Or perhaps you want to go marvel at the beaches found in Greece or Italy. Rarely will there be days when you will not line up for hours just to see the sights or endure the sights with thousands of other tourists especially during peak season. So if you are not a fan of crowds, choose the off-peak season instead. 

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2.Book as early as possible– If you are set on having a European vacation, it is much better to book everything as early as possible. Even now, when international travel is still not possible, you can actually try to see if you can avail of discounts for a trip you might want to take next year. You can ask for tips from travel agents or read blogs that can help you to see what will be the best deals to take.

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3.Take advantage of free walking tours – If there is one thing that you can take advantage of when you travel to Europe it is the free walking tours. Once you choose which city or cities you will go to, make sure that you do your research on the most popular places in the area. There are some cities that offer free walking tours so take advantage of these too. If that is not possible, check to see how far the destinations are from each other. Maybe you can walk from one place to the next so that you can save money but at the same time take in the local culture. Don’t forget to talk to locals to see if they can give you some great tips. While going to top tourist attractions are okay, you might be missing out on some hidden gems if you don’t ask some locals.

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4.Look for a site to compare the prices for transportation – Traveling between cities, for example, from Berlin to Prague can be quite pricey. But there are ways to save money and still feel comfortable during the hours of travel. There are many websites that can show you a comparison of the prices so that you can make the best choice for your budget and needs.

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