Working Wednesdays: Travel Expert for Think Places


As my travel blog has built momentum over the years and more and more people read my stories, inevitably opportunities have fallen my way. I’m really excited about some of my latest side projects and no qualms with sharing them here on my Working Wednesdays feature. It was always my dream to earn a living through something related to travel and I’ve recently made my first steps towards this lifestyle. I’m now a featured Travel Expert for Think Places. You can hire me as well as some other really TOP bloggers like Amanda Williams (of A Dangerous Business) and Victoria Breewood (of Pommie Travels). We will chat with you on Skype to help plan your trips! We use our experience on the road to give detailed and expert tips for any travellers out there.

think places jonny blair travel expert

Working online for Think Places!

So life has gotten a tad busy for me! So now as well as working in 3 schools, doing some welcoming work for Internations, running my travel blog and writing for other sites (We Blog the World and Essential Travel), I find myself logging onto Skype now to be a travel expert and chat to people about their trips! I’m really excited about this and I’ll be giving as much helpful advice and tips as I can. I have chosen China, Taiwan and Northern Ireland as the three countries I am an expert in and can certainly help travellers out for other places like Antarctica, Suriname and Paraguay.

backpacking in taiwan hualien

All those days backpacking through remote places like Hualien and Tiansiang in Taiwan seem worth it now – I’m delighted to help out my fellow travellers!

So if you’re heading to any of those places, you can get in touch! Either through here or through Think Places. All those horrendous (tongue in cheek) days backpacking the globe are finally enabling me to live the life I want and seek. I really thank all my readers for their views, comments, opinions and support in helping me create a good network of followers. Plus it’s really nice to be interacting with so many travel bloggers these days, hoping to meet up with Allan Wilson and Adam Finan all within the next month! They run the blogs  Live Less Ordinary and Tropical Nomad.

So I’m delighted to be working for Think Places and spreading the good word of travel around the globe! Safe travels my friends!

E-mail me at jonny (at) dontstopliving (dot) net (or contact me below)

Ask me for travel advice on Think Places

You can also connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube:

Think Places – Facebook, Twitter.

Don’t Stop Living – Facebook, Twitter,

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    3 thoughts on “Working Wednesdays: Travel Expert for Think Places

    • Hi Jonny, we are very happy to have you as an expert on our platform! Your first call went great with our user and we hope you will be able to help a lot more users get close to realising their travel dreams :-).

    • Thanks Krishna. Looking forward to this new side project as well as a few other online jobs through blogging! That’s what it’s all about – helping others travel easily! Jonny

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