Dzien dobry, hello, welcome, bout ye!
Welcome to Don’t Stop Living. I am Jonny Blair, from the seaside city of Bangor, Northern Ireland. This blog’s author. This blog is now 17 years old, and is the biggest, best, robust and most lunatical one man travel blog on planet earth. Welcome to my world.
“You’ll never change what’s been and gone” – Noel Gallagher.
From the rush hour with love,
Jonny Blair
This was also once the longest running one man travel blog to all seven continents, a respected travel blog and business that brought in over $150,000 USD, but sadly it ended on 31st December 2016 due to severe depression and suicidal thoughts daily caused by a brace of nasty liars and GuruGods. It is now acting as a backdated resource for all my travel stories through 200+ countries and regions around the world. #dontstopliving #tourist #travelwriter #honesty #notlies Until my depression, I had planned to move to Kyrgyzstan to settle in Bishkek, but suicide and depression kicked in, so I now live and work in Poland.
So now the blog has ended, I set this page up as a quirky easy to follow guide to the posts on places I’ve been by flags. By clicking on the flag of the place, you should hopefully get directed to all the posts I have written on Don’t Stop Living about that place. I have only included places I have been on here but not all the places I have been have posts just yet. There may be some places included in more than one category on here. Please note places are not countries on this list – I have branched out beyond simply countries, including some states, tribes, groups, micronations and disputed territories. I have also used the flag that I personally deem to represent that place regardless of anyone else’s opinion. It’s my website! Happy browsing!
Jonny Blair
Editor, and
Jonny in the Media
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Central America and the Caribbean



Central Asia and the Middle East
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United Kingdom Countries
United Kingdom Territories, Counties and Regions
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Hey mate,
Awesome blog and can’t believe you’ve been to Antarctica!
Highly recommend you move Russia, Belarus, and Moldova to Europe since they are all European countries and NOT Central Asian or Middle Eastern.
Best of luck and safe travels!
Are you consistently making use of this approach?
I’ve found this tool more complex than nearly all people inside this
Rad blog, man. You definitely bring authenticity and raw emotion to travel blogging. I’m sorry to hear about some of the encounters you had with dishonest people, but I guess going through all all of that is just part of the journey. God bless, I love your stuff!
Hi Joshua, thanks for the comment. Yes, sadly it has been a journey of ups and downs which has also meant I didn’t document everything I could have done. But we battle on through it all. I hope you enjoy your backpacking adventures too, when travel is at all possible. Stay safe, Jonny
Hi Maritz, thanks for the comment and apologies for the delay in response. The blog and I have been going through serious mid life crisis and depression, caused (not by me of course) by a serial liar and a Guru God wannabe. Yes cool blogs – my book is now available – Backpacking Centurion – A Northern Irishman’s Journey Through 100 Countries: Volume 1 – Don’t Look Back In Bangor (1)
. Stay safe. Jonny
Hi Frank,
Thanks for the comment. I apologise for the late reply but I have been going through depression the last few years. This was not my fault – it was caused by a liar I met and due to that, I have not been checking comments and messages as often. I have a lot of different cateogries overlapping such as Ex-Soviet Union, Wacaday, Unrecognised Countries, Central Europe, Central Asia, Middle East, Asia and Europe. Russia is in so many different ones, it is hard to manage. Belarus also, however I normally include Moldova only in Wacaday and Europe. Stay safe. Jonny
Hi jonny i remember when you came to lesotho i was your driver traveling in different placesi really appreciate your kindness
Hope to see you once again
We need people like you
Thank so much and enjoy the rest of your life
Hi Vincent, thanks for the message. Lesotho was excellent – it was nice to meet you there. I wrote a bit about your country but around that time there was COVID and I had an accident where I lost all my photos sadly. Safe and healthy time to you in Maseru. Jonny