My New e-Book: The Backpacker’s Guide to the Inca Trail by Jonny Blair

I’m delighted to release my latest e-Book, The Backpackers Guide to the Inca Trail! Back in 2010 I hiked the real Inca Trail in Peru and it was always my dream to release a book about it to help others interested in doing the popular hike. The book is a detailed 102 page guide to hiking the Inca Trail, with a full overview on how to get the most out of the hike as well as containing my entire diary from the four day hike! I’m excited that it is finally released.

The Backpackers Guide to the Inca Trail contains:
– Introduction to the Inca Trail
– How to book the Inca Trail
– Why you should do the real Inca Trail
– How to make sure you do the real Inca Trail and not one of the fakes
– How to prepare for the Inca Trail
– How to get the most out of the Inca Trail
– A guide to the settlements on the Inca Trail
– My personal Inca Trail diary, hour by hour of the epic four day hike
– Photographs from the Inca Trail
– A resources section

The Backpackers Guide to the Inca Trail by Jonny Blair

The Backpackers Guide to the Inca Trail by Jonny Blair

The book was started in December 2010 and has now been published digitally for the first time in June 2015. This book contains the lowdown on booking the hike, preparing for the hike and making the most out of the hike. The book also contains a full diary of my personal journey on the Inca Trail and a hefty resources section to get you started.

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Machu Picchu after the Inca Trail

The reason for the release of this book now, is because I wanted to do things in order, so after releasing my first ever travel blog earlier in the year and co-writing the South American Border Crossing e-Book, this is my latest offering. This was my third travel book and served as a mini taster for the mammoth “Backpacking Centurion” travel book fourology (four part series). Anyone interested in buying The Backpackers Guide to the Inca Trail, I have it on sale for the first week at a bargain price of £6 on

I cover the real Inca Trail only in this book, the four day hike often referred to as the Official Inca Trail or the Classic Inca Trail. There are also other trails which meet up with the Inca Trail half way through, so this book will also be useful for you as long as you are experiencing some of the actual Inca Trail.

The Backpackers Guide to the Inca Trail by Jonny Blair

The Backpackers Guide to the Inca Trail by Jonny Blair

It’s one of my most memorable travel memories to date and I am sure you will love the Inca Trail just as much as I did!

Safe travels!

Buy The Inca Trail Backpackers Guide on Lulu.

Buy The Inca Trail Backpackers Guide on Amazon.

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