My Top 5 Camping Memories!

wadi rum camping memories

My top 5 camping memories from my travels!

As I celebrate the 10 year mark of being away from Northern Ireland by camping out in the desert at Wadi Rum with Rum Stars (AMAZING!), I thought it was a good time to share my top 5 camping moments from my travels…including my latest spot of desert camping, these moments were inspiring…

poatina camping

The inside of my tent from my time camping in Poatina in Australia

1. Camping in Poatina, Tasmania, Australia
Poatina in Tasmania will always be a special place for me as I camped out there while working my ass off in broccoli farms. It’s a mountain village that nobody has ever heard of!! I bought a tent for $15 AUD, lived in it and saved a load of money so that I could afford a trip to Antarctica. Yes, I really did it! Camping in Poatina.

camping in poatina

Camping in Poatina in Tasmania – by my $15 AUD tent!

2. Camping on the Inca Trail, Peru
I had waited all my life to do the Inca Trail and when the moment finally came in 2010, it was just amazing. We spent 4 days and 3 nights camping in the mountains of Peru, all the way enjoying incredible views of landscapes, challenging hikes and a lot of fun. I have released an e-Book on hiking Inca Trail in Peru and lots of blog posts here – The Inca Trail.

inca trail camping

Top 5 Camping memories: Eating in our tent on the Inca Trail in Peru!

3. Camping all over England with my family

My Mum and Dad would disown me if I didn’t mention the fact that a lot of my early travel and camping memories were thanks to my parents. We did it hardcore in fact! We trekked all over England in summers as a child, sleeping in a trailer tent. We also camped out in France and of course my home country of Northern Ireland. Every time we moved campsites, my Dad would put have to put the tent up again, we’d help a bit but it was always a challenge. We did this in the 1980s and early 1990s and I was hoping that trailer tents and caravans were still going, thankfully thanks to help from English based companies they still are! Will have to ask my Mum if she has any photos of those days though…

camping ni

Memories of camping out in the 1980s with Dad and my sister Cathy and brother Marko. Found it hard to find a camping photo from those days but I love this one!

4. Camping in the Serengeti in Tanzania

I loved my recent safari in Africa and the Serengeti in Tanzania was a perfect spot for camping. Imagine sleeping with laughing hyenas, running gazelles and even a field mouse (which crept into my tent) all around you. A beer for sunset and an awesome safari from Shadows of Africa make this one easily in my top 5 camping moments. Camping in the Serengeti.

camping in the serengeti

Top 5 Camping Memories – my luxury tent in the Serengeti in Tanzania!

5. Camping in Rumstars Camp, Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan

This post comes on the day I celebrate 10 years of travel away from my home country of Northern Ireland and my night in the Wadi Rum desert was the catalyst for it. This completes the set nicely for me in my top 5 camping moments. Listening to Arabic singing and sleeping under the stars in the Wadi Rum desert in Jordan in the Middle East is most definitely a travel highlight! I’m actually just trying to get my post about it written tonight so you guys won’t have to wait long!!

wadi rum jordan

My tent LAST NIGHT in Wadi Rum, Jordan to celebrate 10 years away from Northern Ireland.

In the meantime, happy camping and safe travels 😉

happy camping

Happy camping and safe travels!!

2 thoughts on “My Top 5 Camping Memories!

  • Some great pictures there Jonny
    Its amazing the way parents shape the rest of your life, mine where always dragging me off across Europe and then wondered about my nomadic lifestyle after I left home, living in 8 countries before finally settling down 🙂

    All the best with your continued travels

  • Thanks Carl – nice bit of nomadery you’ve done there – 8 countries! Not sure I’ve lived in as many, but certainly backpacked through a good chunk of the world to date. Safe travels, Jonny

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