backpacking in australia

100 Places I Backpacked Through That You’ve Never Heard Of, in Australia🇦🇺

“We may never meet again so shed your skin and let’s get started” – Hunters And Collectors. Firstly, this article has taken a fair bit of work over the years and I’m finally getting it published over 4 years since I left Australia behind! Secondly of course I’m probably wrong and you might have heard Read more about 100 Places I Backpacked Through That You’ve Never Heard Of, in Australia🇦🇺[…]

Exploring Historic Hobart, Tasmania, Australia at Your Own Pace

My Tasmanian Adventures have been documented on here enough times, but I never quite gave an overview of the historic capital, Hobart, despite passing through its waters 5 times and spending at least a week there back in 2010. Having been founded way back in 1804, Hobart is the second oldest city in Australia. Also Read more about Exploring Historic Hobart, Tasmania, Australia at Your Own Pace[…]

inca trail camping

My Top 5 Camping Memories!

As I celebrate the 10 year mark of being away from Northern Ireland by camping out in the desert at Wadi Rum with Rum Stars (AMAZING!), I thought it was a good time to share my top 5 camping moments from my travels…including my latest spot of desert camping, these moments were inspiring… 1. Camping Read more about My Top 5 Camping Memories![…]

poatina lonely planet

10 Places I LOVE Which Aren’t Even In The Lonely Planet!

I use the Lonely Planet Guide Booksquite a lot when I travel and I like them. Usually they are correct, mostly they are useful but sometimes they are horrendously wrong and ill-informed. As soon as they go to press they are out of date, as prices go up, bus timetables change, visa regulations change etc. Read more about 10 Places I LOVE Which Aren’t Even In The Lonely Planet![…]

bruny island hotel sign

Thirsty Thursdays: My Lonely Beer at Australia’s Southernmost Pub

I spent a lot of 2010 travelling alone. I was working hard, saving, backpacking and still did a load of sightseeing on my days off. I had my own car. Life took me to a tiny island on the south east of Australia, off the coast of Tasmania. I got a boat from Kettering in Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: My Lonely Beer at Australia’s Southernmost Pub[…]

sleeping in a farmers barn in tasmania

The Night I…Slept In A Farmer’s Barn in Tasmania

Being a global nomad and not having a home means you’re constantly changing your style of accommodation. You’re also willing to take whatever accommodation comes about. How about a free night sleeping in a farmer’s barn in Tasmania then? Yes please, I’ll take it! We’re going back to April 2010 for this story…the night I Read more about The Night I…Slept In A Farmer’s Barn in Tasmania[…]

jonny blair working on farms in tasmania

Working Wednesdays: Weeding Out A Bean Paddock in Bishopsbourne, Tasmania

Weeding. Got to love it. I’m not even being sarcastic here. I can’t remember the total number of days I spent weeding when I lived in Tasmania but it was somewhere between 10 and 20. Long days of just filling white sacks with weeds. I’ve written a bit about them before, but not much on Read more about Working Wednesdays: Weeding Out A Bean Paddock in Bishopsbourne, Tasmania[…]

Getting a second Australia working holiday visa

How To Get A SECOND Australian Working Holiday Visa

You have to love Australia. It’s hard not to…and you might have already gone there on a working holiday visa  but that year went so fast (or is going so fast) that you need and want another year. You’ve come to the right page. Here’s a full guide on how to get a second Australian Read more about How To Get A SECOND Australian Working Holiday Visa[…]