Backpacking in South Africa: Touring The Lonely Prison On Robben Island

Backpacking in South Africa🇿🇦: Touring The Lonely Prison⛓️👮🏛️🚔On Robben Island

“By a lonely prison wall, I heard a young girl calling” – The Dubliners. There has been something really weird and odd that has happened to me a few times on my journeys. Life has been really crazy how it all worked out for me – tying up loose ends, fool circles / full circles Read more about Backpacking in South Africa🇿🇦: Touring The Lonely Prison⛓️👮🏛️🚔On Robben Island[…]

Backpacking in South Africa: The Southern-Western Tip of Africa, The Cape of Good Hope

Backpacking in South Africa: The Most South-Western Tip of Africa, The Cape of Good Hope

“So give me hope Joanna, give me hope Joanna” – Eddy Grant. As a perpetual tourist, I love ticking off a textbook “tip”, “point” or “peak” on my wacaday journeys. Memories of such achievements in days of yore came reeling back, and they continue to do that on life’s sentimental worldic curveball. I remembered vividly Read more about Backpacking in South Africa: The Most South-Western Tip of Africa, The Cape of Good Hope[…]

Backpacking in South Africa🇿🇦: My Stay At Altona Lodge in Green Point, Cape Town

Officially this was my fifth time being stamped in to South Africa. Though in essence, three of those were on my first trip here in 2011. However, it was my first time here in Cape Town and I allowed myself four nights in the city. I stayed in three different places on those nights, choosing Read more about Backpacking in South Africa🇿🇦: My Stay At Altona Lodge in Green Point, Cape Town[…]

How Did Cape Town become the Best African Travel Destination? Find Out!

I have had four ventures into Africa so far in life, each time smuggling at least a brace of countries into my backpack, my first ever African country, was actually South Africa…Cape Town South Africa holds the distinction of being the southern-most urban center in Africa, as well as the second largest city on the Read more about How Did Cape Town become the Best African Travel Destination? Find Out![…]

10 important things expats need to know about healthcare in South Africa

With a beautifully warm climate, stunning beaches, strong sense of culture, and low cost of living, it is no surprise that the Republic of South Africa is a popular choice for UK and US expats looking for adventure. South Africa also offers plenty of job opportunities for those who fancy a career change. In fact, Read more about 10 important things expats need to know about healthcare in South Africa[…]

kopfontein south africa

South Africa Holiday Attractions

  South Africa is one of the most popular destinations for visitors who want to combine a bush and beach holiday. The Rainbow Nation offers a wide variety of accommodation and attractions, here are the top 4 recommended by African Safari Home, a leading luxury travel expert in Southern Africa.   Cape Town Cape Town Read more about South Africa Holiday Attractions[…]

Backpacking in South Africa: 7 Non Safari Animal Experiences

Following my recent post reflecting on my safari in Tanzania – my night in the Serengeti, I aim to get more of my cool African back catalogue up and running. When I backpacked through Soweto, Durban, Joberg and Pretoria in 2011, I forgot to mention the important part of African adventures – wildlife! This post Read more about Backpacking in South Africa: 7 Non Safari Animal Experiences[…]

gaborone botswana

World Borders: How to Get From Botswana🇧🇼to South Africa🇿🇦(Tlokweng to Kopfontein)

In my ongoing world borders series, I give you the best and easiest ways to cross borders all over the world, all from my personal travel experiences. The border crossing from Botswana to South Africa is a fairly straight forward one, so here’s an overview of my journey. You might have read how I went Read more about World Borders: How to Get From Botswana🇧🇼to South Africa🇿🇦(Tlokweng to Kopfontein)[…]