10 important things expats need to know about healthcare in South Africa

With a beautifully warm climate, stunning beaches, strong sense of culture, and low cost of living, it is no surprise that the Republic of South Africa is a popular choice for UK and US expats looking for adventure. South Africa also offers plenty of job opportunities for those who fancy a career change. In fact, Read more about 10 important things expats need to know about healthcare in South Africa[…]

Reminiscing the USA: My Time in Florida

Long before I was backpacking, I had some family adventures in the USA. They are so untypical of my travels, that I never wrote about them. Can you believe I once toured Walt Disney World, Splendid China, Universal Studios and Orlando Florida? I didn’t even backpack it in hostels. I remember we had swanky rooms Read more about Reminiscing the USA: My Time in Florida[…]