A Quick Guide to New Thermostat Technology

The need to keep indoor temperatures comfortable is more crucial today than ever before. Most households have cooling systems, and about 60% of them use thermostats to regulate central cooling. A mere 29% of these thermostats are smart and programmable. However, it’s estimated that 70% of both residential and commercial settings will switch to using smart thermostats by 2025.

There are specific issues prone to mechanical thermostats. Apart from having a slow response that causes temperature fluctuations, these devices can’t be programmed and aren’t as effective as their digital counterparts. When the thermostat is unable to control the temperature in the home swiftly, the HVAC system is forced to work harder. This, in return, increases your power bills and causes the untimely wear and tear of certain parts of your unit.

Among the key benefits of using smart thermostat technology is that you can keep track of your energy usage. Smart thermostats, as the name suggests, are intelligent devices. They can build an energy profile for your home, allowing you to learn of any power usage changes that take place over time. The majority of property owners use this information to adjust their cooling and heating preferences and better manage their power consumption rate.

It is easier to schedule your cooling and heating usage with a smart thermostat. After all, the device is designed to take the hassle out of manually adjusting your temperature settings. It has movement detectors that progressively monitor your household’s routines. For more information, contact Den Air to guide you in choosing the best thermostat for your home.

2 thoughts on “A Quick Guide to New Thermostat Technology

  • Hi.
    Good to know !!!
    Especially since I’m traveling at Christmas.
    Anyone seen the red barn eatery place past the little lunch place from dmz??

  • Hi Tara, thanks for the comment and sorry for the delay. I am getting round to reading and reply to about 1,500 comments now. Safe travels. Jonny

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