Are Gluten-free Products As Healthy As They’re Said To Be?

Are gluten-free products as healthy as they’re said to be?

What’s with this whole gluten-free trend?

Lately, more and more people seem to adhere to this trend, especially if celebrities from all around the globe promote it.

Researchers show that 21% of people from everywhere are consuming products which are gluten-free.

What’s gluten?

Gluten represents a term used for groups of proteins which can be found in the seeds of grains, in the tissues, to be exact. The term finds its origins from Latin – ‘glue’ – and has something do to with elasticity of the dough when it is backed – it gives the texture which leaves you the impression that it is chewy.

Where do we find gluten?

It is generally found in grains, but also on wheat, barley, rye, oats and triticale.

Also, bread, pasta, noodles, sausages, biscuits, cakes, beer, pies and pizza. See why it’s difficult to find gluten-free products?

About Coeliac Disease…

Coeliac Disease makes it hard for people to eat products with gluten because it can make their immune system go crazy and can cause the inflammation of the small intestinal lining.

There’s only one remedy to this, and that’s gluten-free products. But this can become really difficult for some people.

About gluten sensitivity…

You know you have gluten sensitivity when your present symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea and lethargy. However, your tests can come negative for the Coeliac disease. It’s not certain what causes it and we’re not sure of the treatment, but some studies showed that

The malabsorption of the fermentable sugars may be the problem here.

Are there any risks if you decide to follow a gluten-free diet?

Lots of people decide to follow a gluten-free diet even if they’re not actually sick. They think it’s healthier and that it helps you lose weight. But what they’re missing is that gluten-free products are usually the ones that have more sugar and far because they got to have a taste, right?


If you are not eating products with gluten, you won’t get as much fiber as you’d need, among other things. Don’t listen to other people – it does not cause autism and depression.

What can you eat if you go gluten-free?

Well, there are lots of foods you can enjoy while following a gluten-free diet.

Rice, tapioca, peas, lupin, corn, sorghum, quinoa, polenta, rice flour, potato flour, coconut flour. Also, there are gluten-free products, such as bread and even pasta.

What you need to bear in mind when it comes to a gluten-free diet?

We all know that gluten is found in food rich in carbohydrate. So, you need to replace these products with some that have no gluten. So, eat gluten-free bread and cereals which give you energy. Dineamic healthy food is a great choice when it comes to delivering cooked meals right to your house – you can have your energy from them.


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