Backpacking Buddies: Michel Reca the German Cyclist

In backpacking buddies, it’s YOUR TURN to shine 😉 I’m delighted to be able to feature my backpacking buddies from down the years in this series. Each post will be a short 10 questions and a bit of background to someone else that I met on the road. Someone I shared some great times with on this journey. It has been overwhelming the last 13 years to have met so many interesting and inspiring people that I want to start featuring you all on here, get in touch if you want to feature, but of course only if you have met me!

“Your journey is my journey and vice versa”

In my latest interview with the backpacking buddies and friends I have made over the years, I am delighted to introduce Michel Reca, a German cyclist I met recently in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

Backpacking Buddies: Michel Reca the German Cyclist

Backpacking Buddies: Michel Reca the German Cyclist

1. Who are you?
I’m Michel, bicyclist.

2. Where are you from?
Germany, Polska.

3. Where have you travelled to before?
This is my first trip i really would call travel. My way lead me over Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Mongolia, China, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia.

Backpacking Buddies: Michel Reca the German Cyclist

Backpacking Buddies: Michel Reca the German Cyclist

4. Where are you now?
In Georgia again. But this time in company with zyy, ro (china), david (canada) and min (korea) – so nice.

5. Where are you going/hoping to go next?
Turkey, after exploring Georgia, in our cycle band.

Backpacking Buddies: Michel Reca the German Cyclist

Backpacking Buddies: Michel Reca the German Cyclist

6. What is the weirdest job you have ever had?
No weird job yet. But nice question 😀

7. What is the crazist place you have been to?
I have camped in some crazy, or better said, stupid places..

Like up on a pretty high hill near to Ulaanbaatar. You could have a real nice view from there to the North-West, including a pretty sunset. The simple food products tasted especially good there. Goats came nearby and were surprised to meet me. But then I spotted the horizone. Something dark came more closer and closer. The wind got stronger, by mintute – I tightened my tent as much as I could beneath the stones. Then I finished my meal and went into my tent. I fighted the whole night to get not blown away. Obviously it was a sand storm (That was probably, what a mongolian woman tried to warn me about before). The day after I was dirty and sick, felt like a very poor and unlucky copy of Sandman. ;D It was a crazy and stupid idea, but afterwards I don’t regret that experience; mistakes might make you smarter, aswell 😉
Backpacking Buddies: Michel Reca the German Cyclist

Backpacking Buddies: Michel Reca the German Cyclist

8. Where did you meet Jonny of Don’t Stop Living?
In the relaxed Bishkek in winter, at Apple Hostel.

Backpacking Buddies: Michel Reca the German Cyclist with Jonny and Apple Hostel crowd

Backpacking Buddies: Michel Reca the German Cyclist with Jonny and Apple Hostel crowd

9. What is your inspiration for life?
Life is interesting, i don’t have a special inspiration yet, but there are many things and moments which inspire me again and again.

10. Make up your own question about life/travel and answer it – What do you think about me (Jonny) ?
Let’s meet up again in the future and drink Guinness as much as we like and more. While travelling you meet sometimes people with whom you really would like to spent more time. With a drafted Guinness it should happen please 🙂 keep going, you are a very good man!

Backpacking Buddies: Michel Reca the German Cyclist

Backpacking Buddies: Michel Reca the German Cyclist

Jonny’s Input
When I heard that Michel had been cycling overland around Eastern Europe and Central Asia and into China, India and Nepal, I loved his story! Michel has been to some truly off the wall spots including Pakistan, remote parts of China and Mongolia and of course our nights out in Kyrgyzstan.

Michel and I partying with some mates in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on New Year's Eve 2015

Michel and I partying with some mates in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on New Year’s Eve 2015

Michel and I were room mates for about a month in Bishkek, we partied together on New Years Eve 2015 and I hope our paths will cross again.

Backpacking Buddies is a regular feature on Don’t Stop Living on real life people I have met on my journeys around the globe since leaving Northern Ireland in 2003. If you have met me on my journey (shared a bed, got a night bus, worked in a bar, cut broccoli, backpacked in Antarctica, studied in Uruguay, fed hyenas, drank in Brunei etc..) and would like to feature in this series, please contact me by e-mail only to:

jonny (at) dontstopliving (dot) net and will try and get you featured in an upcoming edition!

It’s all about you!

4 thoughts on “Backpacking Buddies: Michel Reca the German Cyclist

  • Hi Ray. Michel and I met in the hostel and he immediately told me he doesn’t use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, any of that. He rarely even uses the internet. After getting to know Michel for a few weeks, I just wanted his story on here so much that I broke him out of his “no internet” policy to get this interview. Michel is a great lad with lots and lots of stories to tell. We shared a room for about a month and we chatted almost daily. Perhaps one day Michel will change, but he’s a great tent and bike traveller as things are. Safe travels. Jonny

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