Backpacking In Costa Rica: 5 Reasons To Choose Group Travel

hotel vista linda

My gorgeous hotel in the mountains of Costa Rica – Vista Linda Montana.

If you are looking for a holiday with a difference, you made the right choice with Costa Rica, a gorgeous Central American country that has much to offer the tourist. The Republic of Costa Rica is bordered by Panama in the south, Nicaragua in the north, with the Pacific Ocean on the southwest and the Caribbean Sea to the northeast. There’s something for everyone on the ‘Rich Coast’, with pristine beaches and lush rainforests, while agriculture is the main industry, there are many foreign companies that operate within the country, thanks to generous taxation incentives.

While most of us do like to explore when we visit a strange land, here are a few compelling reasons to join a group tour when holidaying in Costa Rica.

  1. Easier To Budget – When travelling alone in a country like Costa Rica, prices can vary a lot, while joining a group tour allows you to budget for the trip, as you already know your accommodation costs, plus admission fees into National Parks are all included in the cost. Joining one of the leading Costa Rica luxury adventure tours arranged by a top tour operator gives you the best of both worlds, as you have a lot of time solo trekking, plus you have the full support of the group leaders. Many expenses are included in the price and there are always add-ons if you wish to join special tours.
  2. Meet Like-Minded Travellers – While you will bump into other tourists when travelling solo, you rarely end up making new acquaintances, due to differing schedules and other commitments; not so when you travel in a group, when you get to spend time with other tourists, which often leads to life-long friendships.

Meeting others

  1. Guided Access To Remote Areas – We are all a little adventurous, yet trekking in Costa Rica can be a bit scary if you venture off the beaten track. When you join one of the best wildlife tours Costa Rica has to offer, you have experienced local guides to help you access remote regions that you wouldn’t normally be able to find.
  2. Group Security – There’s no doubt about it, travelling in a group reduces the risk of being robbed; it is known that thieves prefer their victims to be solo travellers, as they are not familiar with the strange environment and are therefore easier targets. Add to that the fact that English is not widely spoken and it makes even more sense to have an English-speaking guide. The tour leader would warn you about specific things and would always have your best interests at heart. Should you need something, your group leader is the person to speak to, plus they can save you money when you buy souvenirs.


  1. An Overall Richer Experience – English-speaking guides really do make all the difference; you can discover the rich history and every local attraction has its own unique story, which you would not know about if you travelled alone. The guides are locals who know their nation’s history inside out and they take great pleasure in educating their clients on the long and colourful history of this amazing country. If you do some online research prior to your arrival, things will make more sense and you will make the most out of the experience.

One night of pure inspiration – my stay in the Hemingway Inn, San Jose, Costa Rica.

If you would like to set the ball rolling, start by Googling ‘established Costa Rica tour operators’, which will bring you a list of websites to browse and you can learn more about group tours to the amazing land that is Costa Rica.

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