Backpacking In The Canary Islands: My Stay At Alojamiento Playa Chica, Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura

In July 2022, I finally arrived in The Canary Islands. This remote part of Spain is off the coast of Africa! The eight main islands are (from largest to smallest in area) Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, La Palma, La Gomera, El Hierro and La Graciosa. If you look at the below map, it is weird that on my two recent trips, I ended up touring The Azores, Cape Verde Islands and The Canary Islands yet had never been to any of those before! If we add Madeira (home of the second best ever “Ronaldo” footballer) to the list, the region of islands is known as Macaronesia.


I first landed in Fuerteventura and I based myself in the capital city here in Puerto Del Rosario. This trip was an outrageous spontaneous trip which also encompassed Liverpool, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Gran Canaria, Krakow, Mauritania, Marseille and Casablanca in Morocco. It was all because the horrific company Wizzair lied to me about their flight times. But here I was and I needed a bed for the night so I chose Alojamiento Playa Chica apartments in the city centre of the capital of Fuerteventura.

Backpacking In The Canary Isles: My Stay At Alojamiento Playa Chica, Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura

Backpacking In The Canary Isles: My Stay At Alojamiento Playa Chica, Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura

It’s easy to find. The location was simply fantastic. Three minutes walk from the beach, five minutes walk from the pier and about twenty or more bars, cafes and restaurants all nearby. Outside, the facade was a bright yellow.

Backpacking In The Canary Isles: My Stay At Alojamiento Playa Chica, Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura

Backpacking In The Canary Isles: My Stay At Alojamiento Playa Chica, Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura

The only snag is that the check-in time was really late and I couldn’t leave my backpack here, so I backpacked it loyal to the beach and cafes from early morning until 5.30 p.m. (17.30). The check-in time is so late! But anyway I got checked in and this was the journey to my room – the corridor and the stairs.

The corridor

The stairway

Once inside my room at 5.30 p.m., I did something very Spanish but quite late – I had a quick shower and went for a siesta! Yes I had a power nap until just before 7 p.m.!! I had a decent view out into the street but I closed the curtains and got some closed eye time.

The view out my window opposite

The view onto the main street which had numerous bars and restaurants

My room was small and basic and for exactly one person so it was perfect for me. This is what my room looked like.

Backpacking In The Canary Isles: My Stay At Alojamiento Playa Chica, Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura

Backpacking In The Canary Isles: My Stay At Alojamiento Playa Chica, Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura

Backpacking In The Canary Isles: My Stay At Alojamiento Playa Chica, Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura

I had a small ensuite but everything worked well in the bathroom.

Backpacking In The Canary Isles: My Stay At Alojamiento Playa Chica, Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura

Backpacking In The Canary Isles: My Stay At Alojamiento Playa Chica, Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura


Backpacking In The Canary Isles: My Stay At Alojamiento Playa Chica, Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura

Backpacking In The Canary Isles: My Stay At Alojamiento Playa Chica, Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura

For once, I didn’t have Wi-Fi but then again I only really used this room to sleep in – I was Wi-Fi loyal out in the cafes and bars, a few nearby have it, including  El Mirador, where I had pizza and beer and booked my wacaday trip to Mauritania whence another trip there was cancelled. Here are a few photos from the city of Puerto Del Rosario.

Backpacking In The Canary Isles: Backpacking in Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura

Backpacking In The Canary Isles: Backpacking in Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura

Backpacking In The Canary Isles: Backpacking in Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura

Backpacking In The Canary Isles: Backpacking in Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura

Backpacking In The Canary Isles: Backpacking in Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura

Backpacking In The Canary Isles: Backpacking in Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura

Backpacking In The Canary Isles: Backpacking in Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura

Backpacking In The Canary Isles: Backpacking in Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura

Here are the details for booking a room at Alojamiento Playa Chica, Los Pozos Habitaciones in Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura, The Canary Islands, Spain:

Alojamiento Playa Chica, Los Pozos Habitaciones, C. Tajo, 6, 35600 Puerto del Rosario, Las Palmas, Spain
Phone: +34 661 44 47 35

Here is a video of my room at Alojamiento Playa Chica, Los Pozos Habitaciones in Puerto Del Rosario, Fuerteventura, The Canary Islands, Spain:

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