My Printed Book Anthology By Jonny Blair🔴✋️☘️

Here is a full list of My Printed Book Anthology By Jonny Blair (1980 – 2024) Backpacking Centurion Series – A Northern Irishman’s Journey Through 100 Countries My first book series is Backpacking Centurion which covers my journey from country 1 (Northern Ireland) to country 100 (Tunisia), from 1980 until 2015. This series of four Read more about My Printed Book Anthology By Jonny Blair🔴✋️☘️[…]

My Latest Book: I Went To Gdańsk With Somebody – How A Northern Irishman Ended Up In Poland

“I want to dance with somebody” – Whitney Houston. I am proud to announce that my latest book, I Went To Gdańsk With Somebody is now on sale!! Following my “Backpacking Centurion” series, this next book, “I Went To Gdańsk With Somebody”, is the story of how I ended up in Poland. My “Backpacking Centurion” Read more about My Latest Book: I Went To Gdańsk With Somebody – How A Northern Irishman Ended Up In Poland[…]