bournemouth university alumni jonny blair

Sunday’s Inspiration: “Damn My Education, I can’t find the words to say”

This dose of Sunday’s Inspiration is one for the Mums and Dads, possibly. I’ve been longing for chances to preach to people about how education is not the be all and end all of your lives. Sure, it’s nice to be a bit intelligent, or at least fake a bit of intelligence in the form Read more about Sunday’s Inspiration: “Damn My Education, I can’t find the words to say”[…]

How to make money with your travel blog by Nomadic Matt, Matt Kepnes

Book Review: How to Make Money With Your Travel Blog by Matt Kepnes

You might have read a few of my book reviews on here before, but this is one with a difference. It’s not a story about a guy travelling round South America chasing after the girl of his dreams or about a globetrotting Northern Ireland football fan. Let’s get serious for once. This is Nomadic Matt’s Read more about Book Review: How to Make Money With Your Travel Blog by Matt Kepnes[…]