5 star resorts by Vivanta by Taj in Maldives

As a backpacker, those dream destinations have always been on my list, the transition from backpacker to flashpacker may well happen one day and if it does, I’ll be heading to the magical Maldives. I’ve already experienced a tropical paradise at Xanadu in Belize. Vivanta by Taj in the Maldives is one such paradise. The panoramic Read more about 5 star resorts by Vivanta by Taj in Maldives[…]

Dream Destinations: Kurumba Resort in The Maldives

It’s dream time again on Don’t Stop Living!! I’ve touched on some dream destinations before including Aruba and the South Pole, today it’s time for the Maldives. As I reach the 80 country mark later in the month, I’m constantly researching other places that might provide slightly more luxury than the backpacker lifestyle I’ve become Read more about Dream Destinations: Kurumba Resort in The Maldives[…]