Backpacking in Saudi Arabia: My Top 10 Highlights

In 2018, I managed to get a Saudi Arabia visa as I was travelling there to represent a travel company at the Hotel Show in Jeddah. As a group we ended up spending 10 days in Saudi Arabia and we backpacked it pretty hardcore. Of course, I did struggle with Arabic completely, phrases such as فنادق شرم الشيخ Read more about Backpacking in Saudi Arabia: My Top 10 Highlights[…]

Park for Rose Festival in Ta'if

Backpacking in Saudi Arabia: Top Sights in Ta’if “City of Roses”

“I stand out from the crowd because I stand out from the crowd. But no-one stops to notice me, in over-crowded London” – Jonny Blair Poetry. Cities that are given random titles and monikers rarely live up to expectations. Don’t expect me to glorify excremental joints such as Venice (city on the water), Paris (city Read more about Backpacking in Saudi Arabia: Top Sights in Ta’if “City of Roses”[…]

World Borders: Muslims Only - The Fork in the Road Near Mecca, Saudi Arabia

World Borders: Muslims Only☪︎🕌🕋🤲🌙- The Fork in the Road Near Mecca, Saudi Arabia🇸🇦

“Another turning point; a fork stuck in the road” – Green Day. This is a world border which is slightly different to those in my normal World Borders series, as whether you enter this border or not depends solely on one thing – if you are a Muslim or a Non-Muslim. I am a Non-Muslim Read more about World Borders: Muslims Only☪︎🕌🕋🤲🌙- The Fork in the Road Near Mecca, Saudi Arabia🇸🇦[…]