Thirsty Thursdays: My Top 5 Bars in Andorra

While this might seem like a sweeping and super fast compilation, then yes folks, that’s exactly what it is! I’m not claiming to be any kind of Andorran Bar expert but if you’re on a short trip to undermined Andorra then I hope you’ll enjoy these five cool bars, like I did. I’ve chosen bars Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: My Top 5 Bars in Andorra[…]

Thirsty Thursdays: A Night in the Porter Beer Bar Atlanta, Georgia, USA

So I had arrived back in the USA for the first time since 2007, and after my trip from Atlanta airport to the Little Five Points area, I was now in the Porter Beer Bar. This place is something special. With the Porter Beer Bar Atlanta I had made a good choice for my first stateside Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: A Night in the Porter Beer Bar Atlanta, Georgia, USA[…]

Thirsty Thursdays: Our World Cup Day Out in London, England

It’s been a while since I typed up a thirsty Thursdays and yet I’ve a load of these to get on here, been on a few excellent nights out (and Tequila tastings) in Central America, but today it’s all about my mates and good old London town… It was yet another quick and fast reunion Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: Our World Cup Day Out in London, England[…]

Thirsty Thursdays: Michelada and Nachos in San Cristobal de las Casas

Mexico roped me in with food. I’m not a food freak at all but while in Mexico I simply loved the food and drink and the endless bars and restaurants in places like Mexico City, Oaxaca de Juarez and especially in San Cristobal de las Casas. With Friday’s Featured Foods to come on Mexico, it’s Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: Michelada and Nachos in San Cristobal de las Casas[…]

neil macey jonny blair london

Thirsty Thursdays: World Cup Day Out in London, England

I have NEVER written a “look into the future” Thirsty Thursdays on here before but the excitement is building up to this one so I thought I’d give it a try today! It’s just a short post as I’m pretty busy the next few weeks. This is going to be the biggest reunion I’ve organised Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: World Cup Day Out in London, England[…]

Thirsty Thursdays: Timorese Coffee Experiences in East Timor

The gems and secrets of travelling continued a few weeks back for me, when I visited East Timor for the first time. I was keen to find out about the industries that they have there. Money has to come from somewhere and sadly tourism isn’t bringing enough money in just yet. East Timor however has Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: Timorese Coffee Experiences in East Timor[…]

castaway bar east timor

Thirsty Thursdays: Top 6 Bars in Dili, East Timor

One of the things I wanted to check out in East Timor were the bars in Dili. I like to relax on my travels, with a beer staring out and watching the world go by. Life slows down immensely when you arrive in East Timor. There’s no stress here. Relaxing becomes a way of life. Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: Top 6 Bars in Dili, East Timor[…]

Thirsty Thursdays: A Free Drink for Telling a Backpacker Story in Jerusalem, Israel

The thing about travel which appeals the most is surely the experiences you have. They are more than the place, they are more than the food and they are more than the people. When I was staying in the awesome Abraham Hostel in Jerusalem, I found out they have a really cool “Backpacker Travel Stories” Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: A Free Drink for Telling a Backpacker Story in Jerusalem, Israel[…]