Don’t Stop Living Is On TikTok

Don’t Stop Living Is On TikTok again. I previously tried TikTok during the pandemic but had no time to update it or to understand it. My previous accounts on there were…

  • jonnydontstopliving (Jonny Blair, Jonny Don’t Stop Living)
  • jonnyblairontheair (Jonny Blair, Jonny Blair On The Air)
Don't Stop Living Is On TikTok

Don’t Stop Living Is On TikTok

Now, I’m trying it with the moniker “Ulsterczyk” (Polish for “Ulsterman”) and with 30,000 travel videos from 218 countries I’ll be sure to backdate it and have endless content for you all! It could be a more nuts version of my YouTube channel.

Jonny Blair of Don’t Stop Living on Tik Tok –

Come and follow my journey on there!

Don't Stop Living Is On TikTok

Don’t Stop Living Is On TikTok

These are some of the hashtags I will use as I try and understand how it all works…

#norniron #northernireland #antrim #ulsterczyk #jonnyblair #jonnyblairontheair #tourist #gawa #dsl #gdl #dontstopliving #glorydaysloyal #everypassportstamp #everycountryintheworld

Jonny Dont Stop Living Is On TikTok as Ulsterczyk

Jonny Dont Stop Living Is On TikTok as Ulsterczyk

My books are all still available on the below links…

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