Friday’s Featured Food: Spicy Chicken Momo At The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

Friday’s Featured Food: Spicy Chicken Momo At The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

Friday's Featured Food: Spicy Chicken Momo At The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

Friday’s Featured Food: Spicy Chicken Momo At The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

Nepalese restaurants cropped up often on my travels and I’ve been in a fair few, there is even a cool one close to my current flat in Warszawa, Poland – Chmielarnia, which does craft beer and Nepalese food – a fun mix. In there, I once ate some type of “Momo”, but it was more like pierogi, the Polish style rather than the similar product from Nepal.

Friday’s Featured Food: Spicy Chicken Momo At The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

As anyone who followed my journey will know, I’m not a food blogger, certainly not a food geek and have a small stomach and appetite. I can’t finish a whole pizza on one sitting. Just not possible. However, of course I do like to try the local food in each country and I detest global USA excremental companies such as Ratsbux, Burglar Queen and DickMonalds. It wasn’t until 2023 when I was backpacking in Nepal that I properly ate Momo and the Nepali Thali set, Dal Bhaat. I should really have tried Momo years ago, but I wasn’t in Nepal before so my first time to try it was actually on my last day here, just as I was leaving Nepal.

Friday’s Featured Food: Spicy Chicken Momo At The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

This is a famous restaurant chain called Narayan Daiko Masangalliko. They have a few branches and have been running since 1962. When a restaurant focuses on a specific niche, in this case, Momo (spicy pierogi), it usually means they are decent at it. This is no exception. I opted for chicken momo which was 220 Nepalese rupees. That’s about Ā£2 and you get the soup and spice included, as well as ten pieces of Momo. It was easily enough for me and actually perfect as I finished it. The Buff is Buffalo, actually and it is cheaper (as is the cheese, vegetable one) but I fancied chicken so that’s what I ordered.

Friday’s Featured Food: Spicy Chicken Momo At The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

Drinks wise I just had a mango juice (50 Rupees), followed by a Cardamon tea (50 Rupees). Total 320 Rupees which is about Ā£3 Northern Irish pounds. I was teetotal in Nepal, having been into my fourth alcohol free week when I backpacked there.

The Preparation And Eating Of The Momo

It took about 20 minutes to cook the Momo – excellent and I chatted at length to the staff – they were very friendly and they were also happy that I was being a tourist in their country and enjoying their food. The main boss was called Prasidhha Kirat and they posed for photos.

Prasidhha Kirat (middle) and the staff at The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

Prasidhha Kirat (middle) and the staff at The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

Once you have your Momo, there’s still an art to come in terms of preparation. I am supplied with a plastic bottle of soup and a bowl of spicy flakes.

Ready For Momo at The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

First though, I sample the momo on its own and its already great. Next I add the soup and spice and its ready. I love spice and spicy food so obviously I over indulge.

Friday's Featured Food: Spicy Chicken Momo At The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

Friday’s Featured Food: Spicy Chicken Momo At The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µMomo in Nepal

Friday's Featured Food: Spicy Chicken Momo At The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

Friday’s Featured Food: Spicy Chicken Momo At The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

Friday's Featured Food: Spicy Chicken Momo At The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

Friday’s Featured Food: Spicy Chicken Momo At The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

I finish it fairly quickly, loving the spice and the fact it’s not too heavy for my stomach. The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Mo:Mo Restaurant is a chain of restaurants and they have 7 branches in Kathmandu and another in PokharaĀ , Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

Friday's Featured Food: Spicy Chicken Momo At The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

Friday’s Featured Food: Spicy Chicken Momo At The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

Friday's Featured Food: Spicy Chicken Momo At The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

Friday’s Featured Food: Spicy Chicken Momo At The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

Friday's Featured Food: Spicy Chicken Momo At The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

Friday’s Featured Food: Spicy Chicken Momo At The Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ

Here are the details of the Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Mo:Mo Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ :

šŸ”¹Buff Momo
šŸ”¹Cheese Veg Momo
šŸ”¹Buff Chhoila
šŸ”¹Veg Meat Chhoila
9818176907 – Gausala Branc
PageĀ Ā· Nepalese restaurant
Kathmandu, Nepal
+977 980-8149503
Price range Ā· Ā£Ā£
Here is a video I made whilst devouring my Momo at the Famous Narayan Daiko Masangalliko Mo:Mo Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal šŸ‡³šŸ‡µ :

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