How To Get Sponsored Content For Your Blog 


How To Get Sponsored Content For Your Blog

If you have just set up a blog and are looking to make money straight away, you many be disappointed. It often takes bloggers many years to build up an audience which makes brands like Dreamjackpot want to collaborate with you. Once you have a decent amount of followers and have high-quality content, it’s time to start looking for work. There are hundreds of brands out there who want to work with bloggers, so don’t worry about not being able to find them. Here are a few helpful tips on how to get sponsored content for your blog. 

Know who to contact 

Many people make the mistake of not emailing the right person when reaching out for a brand collab. There’s no point in emailing customer service as they will probably ignore the email. If you’re struggling to find the PR contact, send a tweet to the brand who will more than likely be able to provide you with the appropriate contact.  

Create good relationships with PR’s  

Being friendly and polite will get you far. No-one wants to work with someone who is rude. PR’s are usually the ones in charge when it comes to giving out sponsored content, so make sure to leave a good impression and build a good relationship. 

Don’t undersell yourself  

Someone with up to 5, 000 followers can charge as much as £150 for a blog post with social media promotion. Working for “exposure” does not pay the bills, so be firm, yet polite when asking about your rates/their budget. 

End on a good note  

Once you have written up your sponsored post, make sure to end it on a good note so that you leave the PR with a great lasting impression of you and your work. Doing this may land you more collaborations with them in the future as you’ll spring to their mind when looking for bloggers to contact. 

Don’t be afraid to email when things are quiet  

As with any freelance business, there are quiet times as well as busier times. If you’re inbox is looking a little dull, why not write a quick email to some of the PR’s you’ve previously worked with asking if they have any collaborations at the moment which may be suitable for you. It’s worth asking and the worst they can do is say no. 

Sometimes when things are a bit on the slow side, I’ll drop some PR’s I’ve worked with in the past on successful collaborations an email and ask if there’s anything in the pipeline that I might be suitable for. The worst they can say is no. 

Put in the effort 

Treat sponsored posts the same as you would with all your other regular posts. Make sure your putting the time and effort in to create something which you are proud of. Creating high-quality content will not only impress your readers, but potential collaborators too. If you’re writing about a post about the latest slots released at Dream Jackpot for example, make sure to include as much detailed and relevant information as possible. Make it fun, informative, give your opinions and include their social media links and website.  

Never stop applying 

Whenever you see an opportunity which fits your blog, apply for it. You’re not going to land amazing collaborations by sitting around and not putting in the effort to find or contact people. Applying for as many opportunities as you can will increase your chances of getting regular work. 

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