Make 2016 the Year of Travel

This post was posted by The Hipmunk on Hipmunk’s Tailwind blog on 28th December 2015.

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T-minus less than a week until New Years; do you have those resolutions ready? In 2015, travelling more and enjoying life to the fullest made Nielsen’s top 10 list of New Year’s resolutions. Chances that you still want to explore the world, meet great people and experience new things? Sky high.

One of the most common complaints about travel is that the “getting ready” is a stressful, expensive process. It‘s hard to know what you need (or don’t) and what would make your trip that much more epic than you expected. Well, have I got news for you.

Enter Kit. Kit tapped travel experts and influencers to open their carry-ons and give us a look-see into how they get from A-Z. Then the clever creators pulled the lists into a ready-made online shopping list.

Take travel videographer Peter Braigel’s list for Cuba.  He nods to a linen shirt for breathability, fashionable but comfortable shoes for walking, mosquito coils for fighting off the pesky bloodsuckers and cash. Yes, cash. With his helpful note that Cuban ATMs don’t accept American bank cards, he’s just saved you from only affording bread and bad cheese on your vacation. Braigel also includes the perfect items for Mississippi River by canoe, Central America by bus and even Russia by train. Adventure time? We think so too.

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Aside from experiential guides, Kit also features tech travel gadgets, beauty products and airplane essentials to get you ready for that next great adventure. If you’re not sure what’s next on your travel agenda, check out our London, Austin, and LA guides.Hipmunk suggest ways to get there, where to stay and epic experiences to make your next trip just a few clicks away from happening.

Let’s get crackin’ on travel for 2016, shall we?


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