Plan a Memorable Holiday in Dubai, UAE

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Plan a Memorable Holiday in Dubai, UAE

Over the past few decades, Dubai has certainly captivated the world with its dazzling transformation from a small Arab town to a grand global city. From the spectacular skyscrapers and chic megamalls, to the charming local culture and the surrounding desert, Dubai has much to offer to the discerning traveler and the shopaholic.

Dubai holidays are indeed opportunities to experience the luxurious lifestyle offered by the city and to discover its hidden, cultural aspects. Take a look at these popular, must-visit attractions in Dubai.

  • Burj Khalifa 

The tallest of all buildings in the world, the Burj Khalifa perfectly embodies Dubai’s sparkling new image. This iconic landmark is hard to miss and should definitely be a part of your itinerary. A major highlight is a spectacular view of the city from the observation deck on the 124th floor.

Outside the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, UAE

Outside the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, UAE

  • Dubai Museum 

Despite the surge of modernization, Dubai continues to stay true to its historical and cultural heritage. Get a glimpse of this age-old legacy with a visit to the Dubai Museum, located within the 18th century, Al-Fahidi Fort. It showcases the numerous aspects of the Emirati lifestyle and its evolution over the years.

  • Bastakia Quarter 

Even though Dubai’s cityscape today is studded with some lofty skyscrapers, the city’s traditional take on architecture is equally fascinating. Include the Bastakia Quarter in your Dubai tour packages to view the charming coral and limestone buildings that were home to the city’s erstwhile merchant class. The Wind Towers and Majlis Gallery are among the popular landmarks here.

  • Dubai Creek 

To witness Dubai’s local vibe, which remains largely unhindered by the fervent globalization, visit the Dubai Creek and do the Dhow cruise creek. It is here that trade has been carried on for more than a century by means of the traditional cargo boats, known as Dhows. You can enjoy a boat-ride along the creek and enjoy the bustle that unfolds along the banks.

dubai creek views

Down by Dubai Creek – views are free my friends…

  • Jumeira Mosque 

The beautiful Jumeira Mosque is an inseparable part of any Dubai holiday experience. Modeled as a replica of the Al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo, it is one of the city’s major cultural and religious sites. Guided tours of the mosque give you insights into the faith.

Whether you indulge in a shopping spree at the many malls or explore the local flavor in the souks, Dubai is sure to win your over. So, book your Dubai Holiday Packages with SOTC for amazing deals and an unforgettable experience.

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