OK today on Tuesday’s Travel Essentials, I’m actually going to admit and tell you that there are some things I spend a wee bit extra money on…one is decent walking shoes. This is kind of in contrast to my Monday’s Money Saving Tips I know, but I’m just being honest – I just don’t buy cheap trainers or walking shoes, and I never have done. I buy decent brands, but the cheaper models of them if you know what I mean A traveller needs decent shoes like a desert needs the rain. I want longevity with my shoes and it might surprise you that I currently own two pairs of shoes, both of which have lasted over 2 years and both which have hiked up mountains!
6 Reasons why you need decent walking shoes?
1. Longevity. I want my shoes to last longer.
2. Comfort. I honestly have tried cheap shoes and I know they lack comfort.
3. Brand trust. Yes, I know I go on about hating big brands, but if I build up a trust and a liking for a brand I stick with it (e.g. Guinness for beer, Tayto for crisps, an iPod for my music player, Spelga for yoghurts and with shoes I normally go for Nike or Adidas – I’ll even give you my current tip on a model!).
4. Mountains. They destroy shit shoes. Do yourself a favour and get decent ones. I do a lot of mountain walking and hiking so I need my shoes to be suitable.

Hiking in the Yunnan Mountains of China last year. Tuesday’s Travel Essentials are a decent pair of shoes.
5. Football. Although I admit I don’t play any more, the odd time you get to a hostel and have a good kickabout. I’ve never been the best footballer in the world, but having dodgy shoes never helped me.
6. Fashion…on second thoughts, bollocks to fashion, I couldn’t care as long as they look decent, feel comfortable and can let me climb mountains, walk through endless cities and have the odd kickabout.
So how do you choose a decent pair of walking shoes? Online! I hate shopping but it has to be done every now and then so start off by looking online and check for a pair that catches your eye. Here’s a great site to help you get both feet inside Nike trainers ready for a mega hike up some mountain in China…or Nepal. I’ve never had a problem with Nike or Adidas and currently I’d go for the Nike Performance Air Consolidate if you want a tip, check them out. Here are some hikes which I’m proud of recently:
1. Mount Kinabalu, Malaysia
There was a lot of rock climbing required on the second day of Mount Kinabalu so decent shoes were essential. The feeling at the top was just amazing! Here’s a rundown of how much it costs to climb Mount Kinabalu.
2. Inca Trail, Peru
An intense four day hike. OK I walked it myself, but when I think of it my shoes were kind of heroic too! I needed good grip as there was a lot of rain! Check out my Inca Trail extensive overview.

Tuesday’s Travel Essentials – myself and my group reach Machu Picchu in Peru – must remind myself to thank my walking shoes as well!
3. Adam’s Peak, Sri Lanka
Adam’s Peak was a night time hike and was just up steps, so comfort was more important than grip, but my shoes done me proud, as we made it to the top before it got bright! Check out my Adam’s Peak post.

Tuesday’s Travel Essentials: I made it to the top of Adam’s Peak in Sri Lanka thanks to decent shoes!
Right so you’ve heard my tips and you’ve got the point – BUY decent walking shoes!! Trust me! I’m off to do a bit of walking in China over the next few days, will be glad of my comfortable shoes!!
As you can probably tell I am LOVING this lifestyle of travel and hoping to inspire you all to get out and see the world! Check my advertising page if you have an idea for a product for my Tuesday’s Travel Essentials, or if you want to send me a free pair of DECENT walking shoes, I might just settle for that
Finally…here’s a wee video from Machu Picchu to get your wandering feet in the mood for another epic hike on this fine Tuesday…
Have to agree on the good shoes side of things. I have a pair of Mizuno running shoes that just shelled out 100quid for (I do a fair bit of running).
I did however just pick up a pair of really light Karrimor trail running shoes for 30quid. Maybe not best for mountains but great for daily walking around.
I’m a real budget cheapskate tight traveller most of the time, but I have a few things I don’t go cheap on. I wear football shirts, I drink Guinness and I have decent walking shoes. I save so much on other things that I can justify it. Safe travels. Jonny