Visiting Kaymakli Underground City, Cappadocia, Turkey🇹🇷

An Underground City? Who’s up for that? A place where nobody lives? An old “city”? It’s not Machu Picchu all over again is it? Well yes but on your travel journey through the moon-like surfaces of Cappadocia, this is a city you should definitely visit.

cappadocia turkey moonscapes

The fantastic moon-like terrain of Cappadocia, Turkey.

In fact there are a number of these underground cities in Cappadocia, so you can take your pick. We headed to Kaymakli so here’s a backpacking overview of that one.

jonny blair in turkey kaymakli

Inside Kaymakli Underground City, Turkey.

Getting to Kaymakli Underground City

To save money, do it yourself. Don’t take one of the many guided tours or organised buses. It’s easy to get to Kaymakli all on your own. Firstly head to the main bus station in Goreme (most tourists are staying in Goreme and to cut costs, you should try and make Goreme your base too). From Goreme, get on a mini-bus to Nevsehir. This costs 2.5 Turkish Lira, pay in cash when you get off the bus. Goreme to Nevsehir takes about 15 minutes maximum. Buses leave when full or when the driver wants to.

kaymakli underground village

So how do you get to Kaymakli? Double bus trip from Goreme.

The driver will then tell you where to get a second bus to Kaymakli. When you get off in Nevsehir, it’s basically on the opposite side of the road. This bus also leaves when it’s full or the driver wants to. The bus from Nevsehir to Kaymakli takes slightly longer, maybe 20 – 25 minutes. The cost is 3 Turkish Lira.

nevsehir bus goreme cappadocia

The bus from Goreme to Nevsehir, Turkey

On arrival in the village of Kaymakli, you’ll see a small market, walk through the market (it’s a tad touristy) and at the end is the entrance to Kaymakli underground city.

kaymakli market

Market in Kaymakli en route to the underground city.

How much does it cost to visit Kaymakli Underground City?

Entry is a fixed rate of 15 Turkish Lira per person. No student discounts. Tour groups or minors might be able to get a deal or get it cheaper. Yes, you have to pay in sadly, but do it! You’ll be issued with a ticket and there’s a turnstile at the entrance.

kaymakli turkish lira ticket

A ticket for Kaymakli costs 15 Turkish Lira.

What is Kaymakli Underground City?

It’s a load of underground caves and bunkers that were once a crazy undergound city where people lived. The whole place is quite incredible!

kaymakli turkey cappadocia

Inside the massive underground city at Kaymakli, Cappadocia, Turkey.

Things to note when visiting Kaymakli Underground City

– Be very careful of your head (the passages are so narrow)

kaymakli passages turkey

Be careful not to bump your head – the passages are narrow and small.

– Spend about 45 minutes inside exploring

kaymakli cappadocia turkey information

An overview of Kaymakli underground town.

– Read the signs on the walls that tell you what each part of the city once was

– Follow the arrows when you’re inside – it’s the recommended route round the city

kaymakli turkey entrance

The entrance to Kaymakli Undergound City, Cappadocia, Turkey.

You can marvel at the fact that people used to live here! Yes years ago this was the life – living in caves!

panny yu cappadocia turkey

Panny Yu and I at Kaymakli Underground City, Cappadocia, Turkey.


If you’re ever in Cappadocia, then make sure you get one of the Underground Cities on your itinerary. I’d recommend Kaymakli as it’s an easy and cheap one to get to and tour when you’re based in Goreme. Kaymakli is of course also a UNESCO listed World Heritage Site – which is one for those who like to tick these off (Turkey has 10 of these by the way). Let me know if you need any travel tips and keep up to date with me on the Don’t Stop Living Facebook page.

Here are my videos from visiting Kaymakli Underground City:

8 thoughts on “Visiting Kaymakli Underground City, Cappadocia, Turkey🇹🇷

  • Hi Jonny.

    Thanks so much for this posting. I am heading to Cappadocia today (if Turkish airlines could be bothered to fly me there that is – worst airline ever!) to stay in Goreme, and only have until the evening of the next day, so this is real helpful in regards to spending less but still getting to see this place. I now see that I have been ripped off in my airport transfer than the hostel offers – they charge 20 L, which I thought was reasonable!

    I’ve got a hot air balloon ride booked tomorrow, so potentially going to see if I can see this city straight after that before the airport.

    Thanks again,

    Safe travels

    Abbi recently posted…Flying high: Paragliding in Oludeniz, TurkeyMy Profile

  • Hi Abbi – I’d recommend Kaymakli hugely. It’s also less touristy but please mind your head inside as you are also tall – it is a small underground city and is easy to bump your head – please stay safe. If you are pushed for time, a taxi could get you back from Kaymakli as we waited for ages for the local minibuses (but we had time to spare and no set dates). A hot air balloon there recently went on fire so stay ultra safe out there and hope it all goes well. I agree with you about Turkish airlines, still waiting on them cleaning my clothes that I wore for 5 days in a row because of them. Safe travels, Jonny

  • Hi
    Your information was great! Was it hard to get the bus back to Nevsehir from Kaymakli? Where should we wait for the bus in Kaymakli – Otogar? or on the side of the road?


  • Hi Arief, Thanks for the comment. Bus travel in Turkey is easy enough. We weren’t staying in Nevsehir that time, we stayed in Goreme. It was easy. We got a bus from Kaymakli to Nevsehir then another bus to Goreme, all buses from the side of the road. The Turkish people there are on hand to help and it’s very touristy so you won’t have a problem getting a bus in the daylight hours. No idea about after dark. Safe travels. Jonny

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