Top 12 Travel Highlights of 2014

I’m pretty busy at the moment trying to go through all my unwritten posts, but it’s still nice to reflect on a top 12 travel moments of the year – something I did a similar post on in 2012 and 2013. This year I started off in Iraq on New Year’s Day and I have Read more about Top 12 Travel Highlights of 2014[…]

Thirsty Thursdays: Timorese Coffee Experiences in East Timor

The gems and secrets of travelling continued a few weeks back for me, when I visited East Timor for the first time. I was keen to find out about the industries that they have there. Money has to come from somewhere and sadly tourism isn’t bringing enough money in just yet. East Timor however has Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: Timorese Coffee Experiences in East Timor[…]

atauro island east timor

Backpacking in East Timor: Touring Atauro Island

I’ve been to some truly magical islands on my travels. I love the disconnected tranquility of it all. In the past I’ve been to Sark, Bruny Island, Cuverville Island, Yi Li Dao Island and Lido Island. I also shared a top 5 remote islands, but when my travels took me to East Timor recently, I Read more about Backpacking in East Timor: Touring Atauro Island[…]