Are There Any Countries That Should Not Be Visited?

Are There Any Countries That Should Not Be Visited? As a global backpacker of 205 countries and counting and mounting, then probably not. But some may want to be avoided and some can argue this list has a few to avoid. This list is from another source and is not my opinion but food for thought!

Tough laws, strange locals, disgusting hitchhiking and the facelessness of cities – we asked professional travelers about places they don’t want to return to. Therefore, in this article we have collected valuable tips on what destinations you should not choose for travel.


If you do not like excessive attention to your person or easily get out of balance, then any African country is contraindicated for you. At the same time, Tanzania leads in the excess of attention to fair-skinned foreigners. Shouts of “mgzungu” can sound with enviable regularity and, on especially long trips, can be annoying to foam at the mouth. You can shout something back, pretend that nothing is happening, look contemptuously at them – nothing will help. Every self-respecting Tanzanian will shout in your face or after you, from the other side of the street or in the market, in a minibus or in the forest, “mgzungu”, which means “white”. They will not invest anything more in it, but your sophisticated fantasy will not leave you indifferent to what is happening, and nerve cells will methodically die until you leave the country.

Backpacking in Tanzania: Oldupai Gorge


With the same logic, you should not go to Ethiopia. If you love healthy sleep and peace, which is sometimes so necessary on a long (and, most importantly, budget) trip, then Ethiopia is not the best choice. With a relatively small territory and a population of 98 million people, the probability of waking up in the morning from the fact that a hundred prying eyes look into the tent is very high. It is unlikely that Ethiopian children will do something bad (the worst thing is to steal shoes, as once from our friends from under the tent), but there will be no more silence and solitude. You have to turn on your brain and look for more secluded places to sleep – especially if you spend the night in a tent. For example, we climbed the hills every night (fortunately, Ethiopia is a very mountainous country), and for a month we were not found even once.

One of my crazy moments in Africa – feeding hyenas hand to mouth and mouth to mouth

India (but not Goa)

If you are squeamish about public toilets and generally weak on the esophagus, then it is better to explore the depths of India through books or films. No matter how hard you try, how often you wipe your fork and spoon with antiseptic, no matter what gods you pray to, a small fly will scratch your nose on the neck of your clean water bottle – and diarrhea will overtake you at the most crucial moment. Our longest record is three days. On the third day, even the most persistent and courageous usually do not stand up. However, maybe someone is more lucky in five-star hotels, but we know few such examples.

Backpacking in Goa, India: Harvali Temple


If you have alcohol intolerance, then you better not go to Georgia. Georgian hospitality is not a myth, and if you plan to get to know the true Georgian culture, spend the night with the locals, hitchhike and immerse yourself in everyday life, then it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid a noisy feast with an abundance of alcohol. Georgians will not argue with you, they will smile, say, “yes, yes, dear, you can’t drink,” while pouring the best harvest of this year down your throat.

Tbilisi Old Town (Qala)

Despite what we wrote above, it is important to understand that if you are ready to get interesting experience, treat difficulties as a challenge, have the courage to go to the ends of the world without looking back, then there are practically no places in the world where it would not be worth going. Getting lost in the vastness of our planet is perhaps the best thing that can happen in life, at least for people like us. And if you do not have the opportunity to travel, then extreme entertainment can also be found online – for example, using TonyBet login.

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