Back In Depression: Pretend There’s Something Worth Waiting For

“I Write This Alone On My Bed; I’ve Poisoned Every Room In The House. The Place Is Quiet And So Alone; Pretend There’s Something Worth Waiting For” – Richey James Edwards.

Back In Depression: Pretend There’s Something Worth Waiting For

I started taking anti-depressant tablets again today. I always hated them. I still hate them. They never once helped me, but I just wanted to take one and sleep, just to remind me that they didn’t help and I’ll still be depressed in the morning. I’m not well. I’m mentally disturbed, broken, depressed and I’ve ruined other people’s lives without meaning to do that, or without knowing about it. I’m sorry to anyone I upset in anyway. I sometimes don’t know why, when, where and how it all went wrong. Or why it ALWAYS goes wrong. I’m on Citalopram again, don’t know why.

“The drugs don’t work; they just make you worse” – Richard Ashcroft.

Back on Citalopram

I’ve always needed help and nothing ever helps. Nothing. Nothing anyone says will help. Doctors were all useless – talk to them, take medication, go jogging, join a gym (fucking worst suggestion ever heard) and then suddenly that will heal me. It won’t. Nothing helps. I’ve wasted thousands of pounds on doctors, medication and stupid ways to “help” beat depression. We will never beat it. It follows us until we die unless it kills us through suicide. I think I’m only on Citalopram because I know I won’t drink alcohol when I’m on it. Backpacking in Seborga was bliss but I was on the piss.

“I followed the stars and I sailed to the sun, I held it in my fingers.
Alone on a beach on my own, out of reach and you just passed me by.
I’ll give you the world if you take my hand, but you left me alone in the sinking sand” – Noel Gallagher.

Friday’s Featured Food: Ravioli Di Boreghine And Wine in Seborga

Also, backpacking and football doesn’t help. Neither does teaching English or working in bars. Neither does drinking in bars or eating in restaurants. Neither does meeting friends. Neither does flying back to Northern Ireland. I’ve tried all that stuff for years…I’ve blogged it and usually looked happy, I can’t have been that happy – it’s temporary. But there is only thing that has kept me alive. It’s WRITING, so I’m writing now as it’s the only meaningful thing to me.

Sitting next to the pilot in Guyana

Driving In Bahrain

Whackpacking Mozambique

Partying at University

Yet another Cherries match

Lithuania 1-4 Northern Ireland (September 2021)

Yet another Northern Ireland match

Newspaper geek for my first book launch in 2020

Writing, blogging and social media has for sure saved me. It’s the only thing keeping me here. The ability to write.

Writing is all I have to save me.

Writing Has Saved Me

Writing Has Saved Me

I’ve been in depression at various points in life. They were already covered in my books. The first major one was in 2009. There’s always a catalyst or a culprit. This time, the depression is hardly new, but there was a new catalyst, which I cannot go into now. I won’t explain how it all happened.

But the whole depression today still dates back to that hostel meeting in my backpacking days with a person destined to ruin me. They succeeded. I’ve tried to settle in Hong Kong, Kyrgyzstan and Poland. I thought in at least one of those places I could settle down, find a useful girl to be with and find happiness. All I found was despair. My glory night in Melbourne seems a lifetime ago now.

My glory night in Melbourne

There was another decent night in July 2016, but since then, I’ve been in a downward spiral. I was backpacking and blogging almost non-stop from July 2013 to December 2016. Don’t Stop Living was my business, my life, my dream. Since then, I wasn’t “only a blogger”; it’s never had the crazyness or diversity for me. I had to go backpacking to blog. I had to blog to go backpacking. But I’ve been to 1,000 places I’ve never blogged about. I’ve at least 5,000 blog post ideas that are still not written, because real writers will die before they have time to write everything. I hate that. It pains me. I backpacked Rathlin Island and nobody knew as I had no time to write about it, along with the other 999…

Backpacking In Northern Ireland: Top 10 Sights On Rathlin Island

Since 2016, I have TRIED to split my life by doing these six things almost simultaneously since: backpacking, blogging, socialising , teaching, watching football, writing. That seemed perfect. But it’s not. It’s too much.

Backpacking Saudi Arabia

Representing YPT

My return to Teaching English in Kuklowka in 2016.

I’ve been in 16 countries already this year, including mutliple visits to 6 of them. It’s far too many. I’m in a deep depression here and I’m going to bed.

I don’t know if I want or need to waken up tomorrow.

Jonny Blair sleeping in Hangzhou Airport

Back In Depression: Pretend There’s Something Worth Waiting For

Back In Depression: Pretend There’s Something Worth Waiting For

2 thoughts on “Back In Depression: Pretend There’s Something Worth Waiting For

  • Hi Jonny – there is something worth waiting for…the sunrise…the flower opening.. the leaves sprouting…the birds singing…listen to the sounds of nature…..notice things around you…the babbling brook…the blossoms..inhale the smell of the plants ..look for the beauty in the world as spring awakens life.. Jonny there really is something worth waiting for…feel the grass under your feet….breathe and inhale nature…even a nice shower gel can help.
    Mindfulness really helps Jonny. Also somatic healing can help when words are not enough Jonny. Mindfulness is a great place to start to feel safety in our bodies🙏💖 I promise. Have you heard the notice 3 things you can see (in your room,) 3 things you can hear (inside outside) 3 things you can touch or feet (could be your body touching your bed).. keep practicing this and it gets easier and helps to quieten the mind. Get yourself a good therapist Jonny or a good yoga teacher or whatever helps you Jonny. You can and will feel better. 💖🙏

  • Hi Amy, thanks so much for the comments. I rarely check these comments these days but had to respond to this one. I will try the three things technique but call it the “hat-trick method”. Best wishes, Jonny

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