Backpacking In Reunion Island🇷🇪: My Dorm Room Stay At Hotel Kaz, Saint Denis

Backpacking In Reunion Island: My Dorm Room Stay At Hotel Kaz, Saint Denis

Backpacking In Reunion Island: My Dorm Room Stay At Hotel Kaz, Saint Denis

Backpacking In Reunion Island🇷🇪: My Dorm Room Stay At Hotel Kaz, Saint Denis

I was looking for a budget option while backpacking in Reunion Island and I decided to stay in the capital city, Saint Denis. This was part of a tour where I backpack The European Union in Africa!

Backpacking In Reunion Island: My Dorm Room Stay At Hotel Kaz, Saint Denis

Logistically Saint Denis was perfect as it’s only a 25 minute drive from the airport. On this particular jaunt to the Indian Ocean, I’d need to pass through Roland Garros International Airport 3 times so I went for a handy stay here at The Kaz Hotel. The hotel is blue and white and occupies a prominent corner on the edge of the city centre of Sainty D (Saint-Denis).

Backpacking In Reunion Island: My Dorm Room Stay At Hotel Kaz, Saint Denis

Backpacking In Reunion Island: My Dorm Room Stay At Hotel Kaz, Saint Denis

I usually love to go backpacker loyal in hostel dorms however a Google search showed that Reunion Island doesn’t really have hostels, in the traditional backpacker sense!! Then I found out that Kaz Hotel has an 8 bed dorm room which we can share and so I booked it. I was in the main dorm which has 8 beds and I was in the top bunk on the left.

Backpacking In Reunion Island: My Dorm Room Stay At Hotel Kaz, Saint Denis

Backpacking In Reunion Island: My Dorm Room Stay At Hotel Kaz, Saint Denis

Backpacking In Reunion Island: My Dorm Room Stay At Hotel Kaz, Saint Denis

We had an ensuite and free fast Wi-Fi. Backpacking in Africa and on remote islands normally means we have grey screens, press refresh and get infuriated that the Wi-Fi don’t work. Here, no issues!

Backpacking In Reunion Island: My Dorm Room Stay At Hotel Kaz, Saint Denis

Backpacking In Reunion Island: My Dorm Room Stay At Hotel Kaz, Saint Denis

Location wise, it’s also great as you can backpack right through the city from here. Here are a few photos from the city of Saint Denis. I hope to write about the top sights and top bars too.

Backpacking In Reunion Island: Viewpoint in Saint Denis

Backpacking In Reunion Island: Viewpoint in Saint Denis

Backpacking In Reunion Island: Coastal Beer in Saint Denis

Backpacking In Reunion Island: Great Cocktail Barman in Saint Denis

Backpacking In Reunion Island: Fruit Smoothie Loyal in Saint Denis

In my 8-bed dorm, I first shared with Moussy from Mayotte and this was great as she was the first ever person I have met from Mayotte. She was even surprised I had heard of it! I was just a bit upset I couldn’t tell her I have backpacked it yet. It’s on my list, along with Comoros. It’s always very RARE for me to meet someone from a country I haven’t been to…

Backpacking In Reunion Island: My Dorm Room Stay At Hotel Kaz, Saint Denis

Backpacking In Reunion Island: My Dorm Room Stay At Hotel Kaz, Saint Denis

Backpacking In Reunion Island: My Dorm Room Stay At Hotel Kaz, Saint Denis

Moussy and I were going to grab a drink on the Sunday night but she wanted to sleep early and I wanted to party and pub crawl until 2 a.m. Also in my room were a Spanish couple and a French lady. Coffee is available and there’s a kitchen too.

Backpacking In Reunion Island: My Dorm Room Stay At Hotel Kaz, Saint Denis

Backpacking In Reunion Island: My Dorm Room Stay At Hotel Kaz, Saint Denis

Backpacking In Reunion Island: My Dorm Room Stay At Hotel Kaz, Saint Denis

My dorm room also had air conditioning and there are many other rooms to choose including private rooms of course. This was the price list in May 2023 –

Price list in Euros in 2023

It’s a family run business and I met the owners Remeez and Raza who are friendly and welcoming.

Backpacking In Reunion Island: My Dorm Room Stay At Hotel Kaz, Saint Denis

Backpacking In Reunion Island: My Dorm Room Stay At Hotel Kaz, Saint Denis

Remeez and Raza were surprised about my long-term global travels and the boss even gave me a lift to the bus station the day I backpacked to Saint Gilles.

Lift to the bus station with the lads

Here are the details for booking a room or dorm at the Kaz Hotel in Saint Denis on Reunion Island:

2, Rue Magallon – 97400, St Denis, Reunion Island

Heures D’ouverture
Lun – Sam – Dimanche –  –

Here are some videos from my time in Saint Denis on Reunion Island:

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