Backpacking Tips: How to Travel the World

Most people would love to see the entire planet one day. However, the average person struggles with their finances and doesn’t know how to go about affordably traveling the world. This isn’t a hobby that only the wealthy can afford. If you understand a few things about travel, you can make it into a reality.

Backpacking Tips: How to Travel the World

Take Out a Home Equity Line of Credit

Taking out a home equity line of credit can help you to fund your travels while putting the funding for it under a low-cost loan. Think of this as a second mortgage that uses your house as collateral to borrow over a period of time. Typically, you only need between 25 to 30 percent in equity before you could take out for a loan like this. You can start repayment after taking the draw. What makes home equity line of credit so valuable is the flexibility that you can use it for. This multi-purpose loan can be used for travel, medical expenses, investment, business and education. You can review a guide that will explain the whole process of taking out a home equity line of credit.

Teach or Build Something for Free Room and Board

They call it voluntourism, and the travel community has come to favor it for affordable traveling. You could, for example, teach the locals English or build houses and schools in the community. At the same time, it goes toward a great cause. In return for your services, they will compensate you for it with room and board. Beware of certain types of voluntourism, however, because some can be bad in that they can harm the local communities under some circumstances. Research the organization before you agree to anything. In some cases, these jobs would’ve gone to skilled local workers, but they bring in unqualified help to do the job instead, which hurts the community.

Volunteer on an Organic Farm

WWOOF, a large network for non-profit organizations from around the globe, connects you with local farmers. You receive free room and board in exchange for your labor on the farm. Choose from farms in over 132 countries around the world. The wide range in farming opportunities will grant you an excellent stay. You will need $40 to WWOOF as a single person, or you could pay $65 for a joint WWOOF membership.

Digital Nomads

The rise of the internet has made it possible for people to travel around the world independent of location. An increasing number of people choose to work and travel at the same time. Think of jobs that you can perform online to become a digital nomad, such as blogging, programming, graphic design and drop shipping. Whether you live and work from a campervan and drive to your dream destinations or fly all over the world and stay for a few months at a time your opportunities are endless.

Remote workers will embark on a transformational journey of adventure and exploration as they learn more about the world. As long as you have a laptop and an internet connection, you can work from anywhere in the world. The number of digital nomads is expected to continue to grow, especially post-pandemic with the rise of remote work and less priority to return to the office.

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