Best Family Spots to Visit in Mexico in 2023

Reflecting on my journeys is something I do often and I’ll never quite have the time to be able to cover every single adventure I had. There are just too many. For 7 weeks in 2014, I spent my time in solely Mexico and Guatemala. In fact, apart from a stint in Hong Kong, Poland and Kyrgyzstan that’s the longest double country stint in my last 10 years of travel. I loved Mexico and especially the food. I toured it with my ex-girlfriend but how about touring it with your family? I thought I’d compile a list of my favourite spots in Mexico for 2023 for a family.

Backpacking in Mexico City – Zocalo!

backpacking mexico

Backpacking in San Cristobal de las Casas – enjoying the food in Mexico.

Best Family Spots to Visit in Mexico in 2023

1.Mexico City

Who could neglect spending a few days in the pulsating streets of Mexico City? This is a huge city with so much charm, so many bars, cantinas, churches and what a vibe it has. For the family, a treat food wise and an easy transport system to negotiate – the metro is easy to use.

backpacking mexico city jonny

Mexico City – WOW!

As well as the incredible food such as nachos and blue tacos, there is also the chance to “do the Maradona” on a stadium tour to the Azteca. If your family is feeling brave, there is also the option to head to Barrio De Tepito, often classed as the most district in Mexico City, as my fellow blogger Trevor Warman covered on his blog. Trevor has spent some time living in Mexico and has some really great stories about it.

Doing the Maradona at the Hand of God end! Mexico City.

Doing the Maradona at the Hand of God end! Mexico City.

2.Island Life

Families love the relaxation of an island or a beach and Mexico offers so many options for this. You can stay mainland loyal in glorious Cancun of course, but how about a little boating adventure off the coast to a classic island? You can take the Ferry from Chiquila to Holbox and feel that magical Caribbean Sea atmosphere and fresh air. Cocktails, Micheladas for Mum and Dad while the kids swim in the clear blue waters.

Clear Caribbean waters

3.Aztecan Ruins

Basically Mexico has so many Aztecan Ruins it can be hard to know which ones to visit, so maybe a road trip and tick off a few of them? I managed to nab a hat-trick and for families whose kids love a sense of adventure intertwined with history, this is a perfect option. Plus the kids love the freedom of escaping the madness of the big cities for a few hours.

In front of the astronomical building in Gran Plaza.

Get snap happy too – these archaelogical ruins are so inspiring and pretty to look at, whilst you are also educating your kids at the same time. For the record, I visited Teotihuacan, Palenque and Monte Alban and love them all!

Best memories from backpacking in Mexico

4.Waterfalls and Lagunas

Aside from the hotel swimming pools and the beach life, there are many other places to get your fix of swimming and bathing in water. I headed to Misol Ha waterfalls and Agua Azul pool and loved the relaxation of it all.

Swimming in the waters in front of Agua Azul waterfalls in Mexico.


The lofty city of Oaxaca is a treat for anyone who visits, officially known as Oaxaca De Juarez. I’d recommend staying in a family style abode, such as La Betulia Bed And Breakfast. Try some really good ice cream and backpack the marvellous sights of this stunner!

Cool grafitti in Oaxaca de Juarez, Mexico.

Main Cathedral in Oaxaca de Juarez.

Eating Tequila Ice Cream in Oaxaca de Juarez.

And so those 5 ideas are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to a family visit to Mexico this year. There is also San Cristobal De Las Casas, Acapulco, Chichen Itza and Guadalajara which I haven’t even mentioned yet! Safe travels out to marvellous Mexico!

Monday’s Money Saving Tips: Free Nachos in the Cantinas and Bars in Mexico City, Mexico

Touring Monte Alban: A UNESCO World Heritage Site in Mexico.

best hostel mexico city

Loving the Relaxing Charm of Casa San Ildefonso: The Best Place to Stay in Mexico City, Mexico

Grabbing Mexican food in Mexico City

Touring the Tequila and Mezcal Museum in Mexico City, Mexico

Jumping for joy in the Mexican countryside – visiting Teotihuacan in Mexico.

Agua Azul waterfalls, Mexico.

Enjoying the street markets of colossal Mexico City

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