Backpacking in Ethiopia🇪🇹: Staying at the Central Hotel in Harar

My memories of Harar will be one of extreme madness. Everything was just crazy. At dusk there was the hyena feeding, a night out on the town, touring the top sights of the fourth holiest city in Islam and also the crazy death mini-bus ride to get here and back. There doesn’t seem to be Read more about Backpacking in Ethiopia🇪🇹: Staying at the Central Hotel in Harar[…]

harar ethiopia old city walls

Backpacking in Harar, Ethiopia: 10 Things to See and Do

Harar in Ethiopia ends up sticking in your mind. It’s a World Heritage City and it’s a crazy place. It’s also in the middle of nowhere if truth be told. Getting there isn’t the easiest thing you’ll ever do in life, believe me. But for the love of travel and with no real reason why, Read more about Backpacking in Harar, Ethiopia: 10 Things to See and Do[…]

Backpacking In Ethiopia: Hyena Feeding in Harar

“My smile as real as a hyena’s; burns an expressway to my skull” – Nicky Wire. I’ve been busting to get this particular post written up and posted so here it is. It was only last week that I made the trip to Harar in Eastern Ethiopia with the intention of Hyena Feeding!! Yes here Read more about Backpacking In Ethiopia: Hyena Feeding in Harar[…]