breakfast yangon myanmar

Friday’s Featured Food: Breakfast in Yangon, Bagan and Mandalay, Myanmar

Here’s a direct honesty for you today on Friday’s Featured Food – food in Myanmar is bland, going on abysmal. I’m not a big fan and I feel it a duty to tell you just how untasty and innutritious the breakfasts in this country really are. This is in some contrast to my travel blogging Read more about Friday’s Featured Food: Breakfast in Yangon, Bagan and Mandalay, Myanmar[…]

Pink and White Elephants in Yangon, Myanmar

Yangon is full of surprises and I’ll name check my Swiss travel buddy Michael (who I met on the Yangon Circle Line train) for this little welcome diversion which saw us visit firstly the Marble Buddha and secondly three pink and white elephants! Yes, albino elephants in Yangon as I backpacked through Myanmar last week. Read more about Pink and White Elephants in Yangon, Myanmar[…]

marble buddha yangon

Visiting the Marble Buddha in Yangon, Myanmar

Yangon is full of Buddhas, Pagodas and Temples and that can make it difficult to pick which ones you want to visit. I visited the Shwe Dagon Pagoda and for a Buddha, I headed to the Marble Buddha in Yangon, on a day of sightseeing in the former Myanmar capital. I got my visa at Read more about Visiting the Marble Buddha in Yangon, Myanmar[…]

backpacking in yangon shwe dagon pagoda

Visiting the Shwe Dagon Pagoda in Yangon, Myanmar

“A constellation once seen over Royal David’s City” – Tim Wheeler. One of the major sights in Yangon is the impressive Shwe Dagon Pagoda. This gleaming golden complex is a feast for the eyes, whether you’re a Buddhist or not. I visited it this week, here’s an overview of visiting the Shwe Dagon Pagoda in Read more about Visiting the Shwe Dagon Pagoda in Yangon, Myanmar[…]