travel basque donostia budget

Backpacking in The Basque Country: Top 10 Sights in Donostia (San Sebastian)

The Basque Country is a place that has always interested me. Officially part of the Kingdom of Spain, however this is a country with its own language, flag and ways of life. I decided to head to the city of Donostia to check it out. Donostia is the name in the local language, to the Read more about Backpacking in The Basque Country: Top 10 Sights in Donostia (San Sebastian)[…]

Backpacking in the Basque Country: Staying at the Urban House Hostel in Donostia (San Sebastian)

After my 100th country celebration and a mini African jaunt to Tunisia and Algeria, the cheapest flight out of Algiers was to Barcelona, so I decided I would head from Barcelona up north to the Basque Country for the first time. I had never been to the Basque Country despite having met quite a few Read more about Backpacking in the Basque Country: Staying at the Urban House Hostel in Donostia (San Sebastian)[…]