Hat-Tricking The SMOOM: Backpacking To Every Part Of Sovereign Military Order Of Malta🪖🗝🟥⬜️⬛️

Hat-Tricking The SMOOM: Backpacking To Every Part Of Sovereign Military Order Of Malta🪖🗝🟥⬜️⬛️

“I’d like to see the world for once all standing hand in hand” – The New Seekers. In my ongoing World Borders Series, the SMOOM – The Sovereign Military Order Of Malta was a peculiar and welcome addition. Way back in 2017, this was counted as country 156 on my wacaday tourist journey on planet earth. Read more about Hat-Tricking The SMOOM: Backpacking To Every Part Of Sovereign Military Order Of Malta🪖🗝🟥⬜️⬛️[…]

How, When and Why To Visit The Vatican City?

  If you’re going to visit Vatican City for the first time in your life, there’s a long list of attractions that are very sought after, especially in spring and summer. It’s nearly impossible visiting Vatican City without making a reservation at least of the Vatican Museums. However, the best way to get the most Read more about How, When and Why To Visit The Vatican City?[…]

From Movies to Reality: The Best Things To See In The Centre Of Rome, Italy

There is no doubt that Rome is one of the most incredible cities in the World, full of history, art, religion, daily new discoveries and of course quotes from famous movies. As it says, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, and it does take time for every visitor to see all the beautiful things that Read more about From Movies to Reality: The Best Things To See In The Centre Of Rome, Italy[…]

4 of the best ways to visit Rome in a weekend

  Rome holds an entire world of attractions and is always among the most visited destinations in Italy, moreover is the biggest Italian city, so it’s better to plan in advance your route to enjoy this place to the utmost. The first thing to do is choosing a comfortable holiday home close to the most Read more about 4 of the best ways to visit Rome in a weekend[…]

4 Reasons to Visit the Roman Catacombs

This post was posted by The Hipmunk on Hipmunk’s Tailwind blog on 30th September 2015. Skulls in the Catacombs In ancient Rome, burial within the city walls was forbidden. The pagan culture of the second and third centuries preferred cremation, despite the objections of the Christian minority. As land for graveyards was scarce, the Christians of the day cultivated Read more about 4 Reasons to Visit the Roman Catacombs[…]

Backpacking in the Vatican City State: Top 5 Sights in This Mini-Country

Whether The Vatican City State is a real country or not is very much up for debate. While the TCC recognise it, FIFA, the UN and UEFA don’t. All that aside, most travellers to Rome will be keen to visit this unusual religious state out of curiosity. A country within a country. I’ve added its Read more about Backpacking in the Vatican City State: Top 5 Sights in This Mini-Country[…]

World Borders: How to Get From Italy to the Vatican City State

The border crossing from Italy into the Vatican City State has to be one of the most peculiar from my journeys. I’d say it was really similar to the crossings from England to Austenasia, from Lithuania into the Republic of Uzupis and from Denmark into Christiania. The reason being, despite crossing into a new country, Read more about World Borders: How to Get From Italy to the Vatican City State[…]

Backpacking in The Vatican City State: The Complete Vatican Tour with Walks of Italy

When backpacking in the Vatican City State, I decided to get a full grasp over what on earth this mini-country within a country is all about. It has to be one of the oddest places I have visited and so I decided to do a complete Vatican City Tour with Walks of Italy. Visiting the Read more about Backpacking in The Vatican City State: The Complete Vatican Tour with Walks of Italy[…]