Backpacking In Scotland: Visiting Side By Side Football Stadiums in Dundee

Backpacking In Scotland: Visiting Side By Side Football Stadiums in Dundee

For years I have known that the two closest top division football stadiums in the UK are those of Dundee FC and Dundee United FC. However, until 2022 I had never even been to Dundee. So if I finally made it to Dundee, my main focus was to simply go to both stadiums and see Read more about Backpacking In Scotland: Visiting Side By Side Football Stadiums in Dundee[…]

Asshole Liars From Dundee Car Gimps And Europe Car Company Face Disciplinary Action and Disrespected Queen Elizabeth II

Asshole Liars From Europe Car Company Face Disciplinary Action and Disrespected Queen Elizabeth II The ridiculous Dundee (Royal City, Royal Love excremented) Car Gimps face disciplinary action due to their assholic tendencies. I’m exposing you for your ridiculous letter demanding ME to pay YOU a parking fine. I’m now demanding that you pay me the money Read more about Asshole Liars From Dundee Car Gimps And Europe Car Company Face Disciplinary Action and Disrespected Queen Elizabeth II[…]