orange juice and guns in venezuela

The Day A Guy Holding A Gun Gave Me A Free Glass of Orange Juice in Venezuela🇻🇪

It had been a long trip north east of Bogota in Colombia since the previous day and I can’t remember a more dazed or drained experience in my travel history than this particular day and border crossing from Colombia to Venezuela. It was all a bit bizarre and I didn’t really know what was happening Read more about The Day A Guy Holding A Gun Gave Me A Free Glass of Orange Juice in Venezuela🇻🇪[…]

linea venezuela

World Borders: My Nightmare from Cucuta, Colombia🇨🇴 to San Antonio del Tachira, Venezuela🇻🇪

Having got into my shared taxi at Cucuta Bus Station, it was time to head to Venezuela. I had no idea which Venezuelan city we would be heading to in fact, nor did I bother asking. Quite simply because my aim was to be in Caracas the day after, and knowing it was the capital, Read more about World Borders: My Nightmare from Cucuta, Colombia🇨🇴 to San Antonio del Tachira, Venezuela🇻🇪[…]

CuCUTa – CUT bag and CUTting the cord on Colombia *

You could argue that you can’t judge a city in a couple of hours. And yes, you’d probably be right. That said, my three hours or so in the Colombian city of Cucuta left a lingering, lasting impression meaning it is unlikely I’ll ever want to visit Cucuta again. Just to see if there is actually Read more about CuCUTa – CUT bag and CUTting the cord on Colombia *[…]

Colombian Buses: Sopo to Cucuta As Channer British

The bus trip from Sopo, a small town to the north east of Bogota to Cucuta, by the Venezuelan border was not one of my more enjoyable journeys, however it did give me an alternative experience, a chance to update my travel notes and save a bit of money. I had enjoyed 5 amazing days Read more about Colombian Buses: Sopo to Cucuta As Channer British[…]