manic street preachers tokyo

Adios, Uruguay, Muchas Gracias! *

Leaving somewhere you love is never easy and always has some emotion or sentiment naturally attached to it, at least in my life. As much as I had loved Uruguay and wanted to stay longer – that was never the plan. Life is too short and I needed to see some of the other parts of Read more about Adios, Uruguay, Muchas Gracias! *[…]

Backpacking in Uruguay🇺🇾: Touring Mercado del Puerto, Montevideo

I love the global and diverse appeal of markets the world over. Montevideo has it’s fair share and I visited about 4 or 5 markets in the city during my stay there. Whether it’s a food market or a goods market, I love my visits to them. The best one for food was the trendy Read more about Backpacking in Uruguay🇺🇾: Touring Mercado del Puerto, Montevideo[…]

“and you know what it means to me babe…” – My jaded Hong Kong princess

It’s possible that this blog is often pieced together at random intervals without showing a flowing indication of my life, so this post will hopefully show the current beliefs.  And is dedicated to the forlorn, special and worldly Yu Pan Yu. Love hurts and always will hurt us, but something special should shine through. That Read more about “and you know what it means to me babe…” – My jaded Hong Kong princess[…]

Friday’s Featured Food: Comida de Perla – Perla’s Cuisine, Montevideo, Uruguay

When travelling, living and visiting new countries and cultures part of the joy is undoubtedly sampling the local cuisine. I’m a shit cook and a lazy chef, even though I was once in charge of every cheeseburger and hotdog sold at Bournemouth beach. So I need people to cook for me a lot of the Read more about Friday’s Featured Food: Comida de Perla – Perla’s Cuisine, Montevideo, Uruguay[…]

Casa De Perla: Living at Guana 2077, Parque Rodo, Montevideo

As a traveller and often nomad, I find it important every now and then to have a base or somewhere consistent to stay rather than jumping from hostel to hotel, from campsite to website, from bus terminal to airport and from bar to cafe. I found that consistency as I decided to stay for 3 Read more about Casa De Perla: Living at Guana 2077, Parque Rodo, Montevideo[…]

Backpacking in Uruguay: Bus Back to Montevideo

Bus journeys become such a common aspect of travel, I’ve been on a bus in almost every country I’ve been to. To some people, bus journeys are boring and uninspiring. I enjoy them as a way to see the world from the quiet comfort of a window. As well as getting an onboard flavour for Read more about Backpacking in Uruguay: Bus Back to Montevideo[…]

Backpacking in Uruguay: My Visit to Punta Ballena

Punta Ballena serves its purpose. Which is an enchanting, almost European style (think Meditteranean in Spain, Italy or Greece) seaside resort, quiet, rich and with amazing views. I went there to see the stunning Architecture of Casapueblo, that’s me inside the work of art itself. But to get there we had to get a bus Read more about Backpacking in Uruguay: My Visit to Punta Ballena[…]