Friday’s Featured Food: Champagne Breakfast On Sand Dunes At Sandwich Harbour, Namibia🇳🇦

“It all came so fast, champagne for breakfast” – Light.

Friday's Featured Food: Champagne Breakfast On Sand Dunes At Sandwich Harbour, Namibia

Friday’s Featured Food: Champagne Breakfast On Sand Dunes At Sandwich Harbour, Namibia🇳🇦

There are still over 2,000 unwritten blog posts even in this section alone, “Friday’s Featured Food”. Think about it – if you eat 3 meals a day and visit 218 countries, that’s almost 700 posts alone – even if you only spend one day in each country! And as you know, I usually spend multiple days or weeks in countries! I’ll never get time to write about every meal, but I’ll focus on a few quirky ones. This was a high – we headed by 4×4 jeep out of Walvis Bay on the journey south to “Sandwich Harbour” in Namibia🇳🇦. Here we could chill in the dunes, go in the Atlantic Ocean and would get a champagne breakfast, which was totally delicious and refreshing!

Friday’s Featured Food: Champagne Breakfast On Sand Dunes At Sandwich Harbour, Namibia🇳🇦

I didn’t really expect Namibia to delight me in gastronomic terms but it did in many ways. I was pleasantly surprised, from a delicious seafood platter in Walvis Bay, to a craft beer and burger in remote countryside to the zebra steak at Joe’s Beerhouse in Windhoek, the capital city. We were on an early morning tour out of Walvis Bay and to the magic and loneliness of Sandwich Harbour! In Walvis Bay we stayed at the Stay Cleverly Apartments and were picked up by our driver and taken to a salt refinery, a pink lake, sand dunes, flamingo watching and this place – Sandwich Harbour…

Our 4×4 Jeep trip to Sandwich Harbour

Arrival at Sandwich Harbour, Namibia

On arrival at Sandwich Harbour, our driver pioneered his way up and down some crazy sand dunes. This was nature at its most beautiful. We were the ONLY people here. Our driver, plus Malina, Russell and I. To start with, the sand dunes were magical and we had loads of time to wander around, admire and take some photos.

Walking Through the Sand At Sandwich Harbour, Namibia

The Magic Of Sandwich Harbour, Namibia

The Magic Of Sandwich Harbour, Namibia

The Magic Of Sandwich Harbour, Namibia

The Magic Of Sandwich Harbour, Namibia

The Magic Of Sandwich Harbour, Namibia

While we were enjoying it all, our driver and guide had set up a table, complete with a table cloth and a full on Champagne Breakfast for the three of us!! Russell said he knew what was coming. I expected a cup of coffee and a croissant to be honest so this was mind blowing…

Friday’s Featured Food: Champagne Breakfast On Sand Dunes At Sandwich Harbour, Namibia

3 plates were set out along with 3 glasses of sparking wine / champagne. We also had salt, pepper and spicy sauce and here’s what we ate and drank on a special day on this journey…

Friday’s Featured Food: Champagne Breakfast On Sand Dunes At Sandwich Harbour, Namibia

The first plate (right) was absolutely delicious oysters which we all devoured with a slice of lemon and spicy sauce. The second plate (middle) was a mix of food types from chicken croutons to seafood bites to more fish and even some cheese wraps. The third plate (left) was a dessert of something similar to Baklavan and chocolate. We tucked in.

Friday’s Featured Food: Champagne Breakfast On Sand Dunes At Sandwich Harbour, Namibia

Loving my Champagne at Sandwich Harbour

That fine day at Sandwich Harbour

It was all over quite fast in the end of course – the champagne didn’t last long with three of us, neither did the food and soon we were back in the Jeep heading back towards Walvis Bay. Here are some videos of that magical experience…

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