Friday’s Featured Food: Ravioli Di Borragine And Wine in Seborga💙🩵🤍👑👸


Friday's Featured Food: Ravioli Di Boreghine And Wine in Seborga

Friday’s Featured Food: Ravioli Di Borragine And Wine in Seborga

After my incredibly inspiring border crossing from Bordighera in Italy to Seborga, I had a hat-trick of days to explore this small country. Seborga on my visit had only two restaurants that were open, so naturally I had to dine in all of them.

Backpacking in Seborga – Trattoria San Bernardo in Behind Me

The two open ones were Trattoria San Bernardo and Restaurante Osteria Del Coniglio. Marcelline’s Restaurant was temporarily closed, and Bar Sport (by the national football stadium) was permanently closed. Trattoria San Bernardo became my loke (local pub) for a hattrick of days. You can’t miss this bar when backpacking Seborga – it stays open the longest of any place in the country! The shop opens max 5 hours a day, and the other restaurant in the Old Town, Osteria Del Coniglio only opens from 12.30 – 15.00 (at least it did when I backpacked it in May 2024). Welcome to my new local bar…Trattoria San Bernardo…

Trattoria San Bernardo (My Loke For 3 Days)

Trattoria San Bernardo (My Loke For 3 Days)

Trattoria San Bernardo (My Loke For 3 Days)

Saturday night on the rip meant trying a few of their “localish” drinks and a localish dish. Seborgan National Dish is rabbit and I ate that in the old town’s only open restaurant, Osteria Del Coniglio, you can read about me eating rabbit in Seborga here. Here in Trattoria San Bernardo, I opted for the Ravioli Di Borginhe Al burro e salvia. It was €10 Euros.

Friday’s Featured Food: Ravioli Di Boreghine And Wine in Seborga

The Ravioli di Borginhe is a cherished culinary tradition of this region of Italy and Seborga. Crafted with borragine/borginhe, a wild herb known for its subtly bitter essence, these ravioli are filled with creamy ricotta cheese. Complementing the borragine, additional herbs like beets are often incorporated to balance the bitterness and lend a delicate flavor profile. The egg pasta, fashioned into classic rectangular or square shapes, forms the perfect encasing for this flavorful filling. Originally accompanied solely by grated cheese, modern variations see them paired with butter and sage, tomato sauce, or savory meat sauce. For a more indulgent experience, some versions feature a delectable meat filling. Each rendition offers a unique culinary delight, celebrating the rich flavors of the region. I had to try it!

Friday’s Featured Food: Ravioli Di Boreghine And Wine in Seborga

I got into drinking red wine 🍷 recently after meeting Marek Bladowski in São Tome and so here on this trip, I was on it too! I really wanted to try Seborgan beer or wine, but I was informed on my trip (May 2024) that neither exist. I had my red wine, then I was told the nearest wine to Seborga was Vermentino. It was a white wine, so I went for it too. It was as local as I could get. They were 3.5 Euros a glass.

The nearest wine to Seborga was Vermentino.

The nearest wine to Seborga was Vermentino.

The nearest wine to Seborga was Vermentino.

I also had a coffee ☕️ afterwards, a custard tart and a shot of grappa.

Friday’s Featured Food: Ravioli Di Boreghine And Wine in Seborga

Friday’s Featured Food: Ravioli Di Boreghine And Wine in Seborga

Friday’s Featured Food: Ravioli Di Boreghine And Wine in Seborga

Friday’s Featured Food: Ravioli Di Borragine And Wine in Seborga

Friday’s Featured Food: Ravioli Di Borragine And Wine in Seborga

As this became my local for a hattrick of days, I was in here 5 times in total!

Here are the details of Trattoria San Bernardo in Seborga:

Address: Piazza Martiri, 2/a, 18012 Seborga

+39 0184 223918

Here are some videos of Trattoria San Bernardo in Seborga:

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