Friday’s Featured Food: Sri Lankan🇱🇰Devilled😈Beef🥩In Kurunegala

Jonny Blair trying devilled beef in Kurunegala

Friday’s Featured Food – Sri Lankan Devilled Beef in Kurunegala

Today’s Friday’s Featured Food is a recent one! I have been checking out Sri Lanka for the first time this month and added a few of the local foods to my “tried that” list. Today I focus on Devilled Beef. I tried it in Kurunegala in Sri Lanka.

hotel menu in kurunegala sri lanka

The menu where I ordered the devilled beef – Hotel Diya Dahara

I love beef – that and bacon are probably my two favourite types of meat. Sri Lanka may not be big into beef, BUT they are definitely big into spicy and they have this cooking method which is termed as “devilled”. I had seen it in so many restaurants around the south part of the island and so curiosity killed the cat when I decided to try it!

beer in kurunegala

My beer by Kurunegala lake just before eating the devilled beef and watching the sunset!

We didn’t stay at Hotel Diya Dahara but it is a great relaxing place by the lake to enjoy the view of sunset, have a beer and more importantly try my first ever devilled beef in Sri Lanka! So what was in it?

My spicy devilled beef in Kurunegala Sri Lanka

This is the photo you actually wanted to see – the devilled beef itself and yes it was spicy and excellent!!

Well the main ingredients were rice and spicy beef. There were no bones at all in it – which is what I love. There was a spicy sauce, some chillis and other vegetables and that was it. If you know me you will know I’m NOT a big eater and even this meal was way too much for me, but I loved it and gave it a good go, while washing it down with a fantastic Lion Beer.

Jonny Blair with family in Kurunegala

Enjoying my devilled beef in Kurunegala with my parents last week! A rare meeting with them for me, the travelling Northern Irishman!

It was also a moment tinged with a hint of sadness as I rarely see my parents and this was the last meal I had with them before saying goodbye at a bus stop in Kurunegala. It was exactly a week ago.

Friday’s Featured Food is an ongoing regular feature on Don’t Stop Living – a lifestyle of travel. If you have a meal, bar, pub, restaurant, brand or idea that you would like reviewed or featured on Friday’s Featured Food, please get in touch via my contacts page or my advertising page. I’d love to hear from you! I’d also love a free pint and a meal. Cheers!

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