Glory Days Loyal: One Photo From Each Of My First 188 Real Countries
** For legal reasons, photos from TWO of the countries cannot be posted here.
As of today, it’s a full year since I last left Poland. This is my adult record without crossing a border, without changing countries and also without even visiting a new city/town. This post has 188 photos, one from each real country that I have backpacked. The original plan was to backpack 200 countries by the age of 40. That time is almost up, so we’ll have to make it by the age of 50. That gives me just under 10 years to backpack 12 more. This album was put on the Don’t Stop Living Facebook page gradually over the last few years. It is a brand new album of one photo from every country, debated region, wacaday state or unrecognised entity that I backpacked in. I only ever count real countries when I travel the world, real countries that I recognise – me only – as you might know I despise the country fake rules set out by the likes of the EU, USA, UN, UK etc. – their rules are more than wacaday, mine are what count. As a strong separatist and nationalist, there is nothing more pleasing than seeing new stamps, a new flag, a new currency and a strong border control. It was one of the main things that made travel so exciting for me. I still remember spending my first Gilders in the Netherlands and Drachma in Greece. I used to use FIFA as a guide to what is a real country and what is not until I saw their corruption and refusal to recognise some countries I recognised. So it’s over to me and my journey. Selfish enough that as this is my website.