“Century is what it meant to me”. “Reality reflection”. ????☘????????


3rd May 1921 – 3rd May 2021. ????????????✋#norniron #northernireland
NORTHERN IRELAND ☘ is almost 100. As the clock strikes midnight tonight in Belfast City, (my breath thefter capital) this country becomes 100 years old. I know from my travels that, not everyone knows about Northern Ireland, not everyone agrees with Northern Ireland and not everyone understands Northern Ireland. But tonight, I will you tell this…
– I agree with Northern Ireland. ☘
– I know about Northern Ireland. ☘
– I understand Northern Ireland. ☘
– I am a Northern Irish nationalist and proud of it. ☘
– Everywhere outside the 6 counties of Northern Ireland is foreign to me. (and that includes Donegal????????, England????????????????????????????, UK????????, Poland????????, and Botswana????????). It’s why I travel. I love that.
– I was born in Northern Ireland.
– Both my parents were born in Northern Ireland.
– I have spent more time in Northern Ireland than any other country (3 times more than its nearest rival – England -6years and Poland – 5years).
– A week before Northern Ireland turned 100, the leader of our country left her job.
– Northern Ireland is my favourite country so far out of the 186 I’ve been to. I’ll visit more but it’s unlikely I’ll find a country to oust it.
– I have been to Northern Ireland 99 times in my life (more than any other country). Isn’t it ironic that in year 100, I haven’t been there 100 times yet? Maybe this year I can do it.
– The two national languages of Northern Ireland are Ulster Scots and Irish Gaelic. Some people there also speak English (a foreign language and our “third” language at a push).
– Northern Ireland is a geographical country and religion has no bearing on anything for me there. It is a country of 6 counties of the Ulster Province. It is geographical only, I don’t even notice or care about the religion of our beautiful people within. Anyone that does, you’re on a lower level than me sadly.
– Whether you agree with me or not, Northern Ireland is my country.
– Northern Ireland is the smallest country to be in the last 8 of the football World Cup.
– Northern Ireland is the smallest country to be in the last 12 of the football World Cup.
– Nothern Ireland is the smallest country to get out of the group stage at a football World Cup.
– Northern Ireland is the most successful country in professional golfing history based on population.
– A Northern Irishman invented the penalty kick. He did that before the country even existed.
– Tomorrow, Northern Ireland is 100.
– Happy Birthday to the 1.8 million residents in Northern Ireland.
– Happy Birthday to those non-residents like me who have travelled the world to promote it and check out other places.
– We didn’t choose Northern Ireland. It was given to us in the aftermath of a mixation of Home Rule, First World War, Herbert Asquith, Bonar Law, Easter Risings and Edward Carson. Sometimes nobody has an answer to a tough question.
“Some might say you get what you’ve been given. Go and tell it to the man who cannot shine” – Noel Gallagher.

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