“Century is what it meant to me”. “Reality reflection”. 

is almost 100. As the clock strikes midnight tonight in Belfast City, (my breath thefter capital) this country becomes 100 years old. I know from my travels that, not everyone knows about Northern Ireland, not everyone agrees with Northern Ireland and not everyone understands Northern Ireland. But tonight, I will you tell this…

– I agree with Northern Ireland. 

– I know about Northern Ireland. 

– I understand Northern Ireland. 

– I am a Northern Irish nationalist and proud of it. 

– Everywhere outside the 6 counties of Northern Ireland is foreign to me. (and that includes Donegal
, England
, UK
, Poland
, and Botswana
). It’s why I travel. I love that.

– I was born in Northern Ireland.
– Both my parents were born in Northern Ireland.
– I have spent more time in Northern Ireland than any other country (3 times more than its nearest rival – England -6years and Poland – 5years).
– A week before Northern Ireland turned 100, the leader of our country left her job.
– Northern Ireland is my favourite country so far out of the 186 I’ve been to. I’ll visit more but it’s unlikely I’ll find a country to oust it.
– I have been to Northern Ireland 99 times in my life (more than any other country). Isn’t it ironic that in year 100, I haven’t been there 100 times yet? Maybe this year I can do it.
– The two national languages of Northern Ireland are Ulster Scots and Irish Gaelic. Some people there also speak English (a foreign language and our “third” language at a push).
– Northern Ireland is a geographical country and religion has no bearing on anything for me there. It is a country of 6 counties of the Ulster Province. It is geographical only, I don’t even notice or care about the religion of our beautiful people within. Anyone that does, you’re on a lower level than me sadly.
– Whether you agree with me or not, Northern Ireland is my country.
– Northern Ireland is the smallest country to be in the last 8 of the football World Cup.
– Northern Ireland is the smallest country to be in the last 12 of the football World Cup.
– Nothern Ireland is the smallest country to get out of the group stage at a football World Cup.
– Northern Ireland is the most successful country in professional golfing history based on population.
– A Northern Irishman invented the penalty kick. He did that before the country even existed.
– Tomorrow, Northern Ireland is 100.
– Happy Birthday to the 1.8 million residents in Northern Ireland.
– Happy Birthday to those non-residents like me who have travelled the world to promote it and check out other places.
– We didn’t choose Northern Ireland. It was given to us in the aftermath of a mixation of Home Rule, First World War, Herbert Asquith, Bonar Law, Easter Risings and Edward Carson. Sometimes nobody has an answer to a tough question.
“Some might say you get what you’ve been given. Go and tell it to the man who cannot shine” – Noel Gallagher.