You’ve probably seen me promoting a few books to help you along your way and this one does the same. It’s written by Rebecca Jaynes and is all about teaching English abroad, enjoying it and seeing the world at the same time. The same sort of inspiring story that a lot of us backpacking bloggers have been through and recommend to everyone out there.
If you’ve got a touch of wanderlust or just curiosity to see the world – or need a job somewhere – this book will be your friend. Teaching English abroad is a high-demand field – earn a living and be respected as a teacher, even without experience or a degree.

How to Teach English (as a Language) For (Your) Fun and Freedom: with a blueprint for the perfect class
The author Rebecca has lived and taught in Spain, Costa Rica and China, with students at all levels and in all kinds of places.
Here you have a blueprint for each and every class. You can use it all the time and anywhere. Also easy to understand info on grammar, levels, making evaluations, how to go abroad, and more – It’s the practical and readable guide for your exciting future.