How To Travel in A Campervan For Newbies

If you’ve planned your first campervan or motorhome holiday, chances are that you may find it a bit more challenging than it looks! The following tips have been compiled for novice campervan drivers and will make manoeuvring the vehicle significantly easier.

Alternative Digital Nomad Lifestyle: Living and Working From a Campervan

Things You Should Know Before Renting Your First RV

Bring A GPS Navigational Device

It may seem like a fairly obvious tip, but a GPS navigational device can make it easier to pinpoint your exact location. Always preload your navigational device with your exact location so it has the most up-to-date data for the area. This is an important step because some roads are closed over time and perhaps new constructions appear seemingly overnight. An updated system will help you circumvent this problem.

There are certain models of GPS that allow you to specifically enter the dimensions of your campervan vehicle. This can make it easier for the system to find the perfect route for your trip to avoid narrow roads or low bridges.

Read The Campervan Manual

Yes, the manual that comes with your motorhome or campervan is undoubtedly long and boring, but it can help you familiarise yourself with the vehicle. The manual contains all of the information necessary to figure out where all facilities and equipment are located in case of emergencies. Give yourself some time before starting on your trip to really acquaint yourself with the manual because it will make travelling that much easier!

Things You Should Know Before Renting Your First RV

Things You Should Know Before Renting Your First RV

Have An Emergency Plan

Life deals you many unexpected blows, which is why you need to have an emergency plan should things turn out different than what you expected. From having a list of emergency contacts to keeping all of your insurance information on-the-ready, you can feel more assured during your trip. If any accidents occur on the road with your vehicle, it’s also important to know how to report the incident and ask for help. Keeping note of details such as the vehicle number plate, insurance details, etc. in case of something going wrong.

Keep Your Campervan Filled With Petrol

Campsites are often spread out in the distance and very few facilities are nearby should you need a service station. Make sure you keep your vehicle properly filled with petrol and refuel as needed whenever your levels start to get low.

Things You Should Know Before Renting Your First RV

Avoid Packing High Voltage Appliances

One of the biggest mistakes newbie campervan drivers make is packing home appliances for their trip. It may seem like a good idea, but many common household appliances such as microwaves, hair dryers, and toasters all require high voltage in order to work. This means that plugging them in for use in the campervan or on the campsite will trip the hook-up protector. Additionally, you wouldn’t want your battery to die out quickly due to overuse.

Looking to hire a campervan in Ireland? Rambling Rover is your best choice for new, luxury, auto campervans in Ireland.

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